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I gave Maria a kiss on the cheek before heading to my office. It was the way that I had parted ways with her, ever since we began dating, and it was almost like a good-luck charm now.

I rolled my eyes as I entered the office. No way did I actually think of her, or the stupid tradition, a good-luck charm. The only good luck that I would get here is if I finally sat down and would start doing the work to keep this company growing.

As soon as I sat at my desk, the familiar headache began to pound through my head. Damn it! 

I hadn't even spent five minutes in this building, and already the raging headache reminded me of my miserable life. I gritted my teeth and inhaled sharply. I held my breath until my lungs were about to explode, pain flooding away from my brain into my lungs. Finally, when I was not able to contain the pressure any longer, I let go. Slowly, my lungs filled back up with oxygen, and the pain darted from the lungs to the brain.

Well, for several seconds, I didn't have to hear that pounding headache or feel the pain. I couldn't keep breathing like that, so I had to do the one thing that I did know I could do: work.

I leaned down and began to type away, look through documents, and read articles. Somehow, all that work consumed me and I didn't feel the headache any longer. 

I sat back and let out a breath of air. 

It was that time of the day again, where I had to go out and make a meeting. I hated going away from the office, especially if it meant that I had to deal with other people. Unfortunately, success and power wouldn't come from wallowing by myself in my office. I had to go out and converse with others. 

I walked down to the lobby. As I walked through the halls, I noticed that the orchids were beginning to slowly die. Damn the workers that couldn't properly take care of anything in this building. All I had here were orchids, and even then they still couldn't keep the place looking decent. 

I reached the lobby and my eyes scrutinized the entire room in a split second. Damn it, where was she? I hated being late, and even if she was my wife, she still worked for me and I demanded to have perfect promptness. 

Dumb ass, my brain reminded me, you never wanted her to know about this meeting. 

I nodded to myself. Right. But I couldn't go alone. For some strange reason, I wanted her with me by my side today. Very strange. 

Well, my feelings were always correct, so I'd go with this one as well. I quickly had someone call her down. 

As soon as I heard the elevator doors open, my neck snapped in the direction. My eyes slid down her body as she walked out, small and innocent, full of caution and hope. Even with all of her shyness she still looked absolutely gorgeous. 

Instantly, a picture came to my mind, full of passion, desire, and lust. I pushed it out of the way before I did anything stupid. I grabbed her arm and pushed us through the doors and into the car. We weren't able to walk today as I often liked to do and so I was forced to sit cooped up in the car. 

Finally, we reached our destination and I hurried out of the car, leading Maria out after me. I walked into the building, looking for clues as to who the person I was going to meet would be. It was a wonderfully decorated lobby, that looked very inviting and comforting. Several paintings hung on the walls, the floors were decorated in a fun pattern, and there were spots of brightly colored statues or bouquets surrounding desks and tables. 

That meant this man knew how to please any guests. The staff... I quickly scrutinized them as well. Men wore business suits and women wore skirts and dresses. Sure, some of them wore them a little too slutty, but not enough to make me lose respect for this business owner. 

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