Part 1: War and Anguish

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"Close the gates!" Sean demanded as he saw the dust raising from troops marching.

The village of Bisare only had 20 men and 5 women trained in combat. He could tell the army marching towards them outnumbered them 4 to 1. Even if all abled body people were to take up arms they would still be outnumbered slightly. Bisare was a small village and was owned by the Kingdom of Noris. They are located right on the boarder of the Kingdom of Rhodas territory.

As the gates began to close Sean approached his daughter. "Olivia i beg of you, leave this village now. Take Ashley with you shes a hunter not a warrior, she has only dealt with bandits these warriors may prove to strong."

Olivia wrapped her hand around her twin daggers "Father, I appreciate your concern for Ashley and I, but as your daughter i have a duty to protect this village. Ashley will stay in the back and pick off anyone who may slip through." Olivias gaze shifted from her fathers to Ashleys, "You understand you are not to advance to the front lines no matter what correct, miss communication on the battle field will get you killed. Never fall out of line and never disobey a command."

Ashley spun her spear from its sheath on her back, "this Village is my home, I will defend it with my life." She glanced at her spear, "We've killed wolves and bears. Soldiers bleed same as them, and i refuse to give up my home so we will fight!" She says as she points her spear toward the closed gate. "Bisare shall not fall today!"

"Enemies approaching archers, READY" the command was shouted from the top of the wooden gate. At this Sean sighed "alright then you two, remember if we get over run the rendezvous point is the training grounds in the woods. May god look over us in this fight." With that Sean and Ashley took to the front gate. Sean unsheathed his sword and shouted "Guards of Bisare we will not let this village fall. Keep these gates shut, archers anyone pushing toward the gate is top priority. We will win this battle for the glory of God almighty and we pray he guides any soul defeated in this battle to his glorious kingdom up above!"

The guards let out a roar as the archers fired their first volley of shots. The Rhodas army was strong but the Bisare guards had the tactical advantage. 30 arrows per archer but only 10 archers posted along the top of the wall. "Archers ready the second volley and fire at will" the skirmishers at the top of the wall began releasing arrows as quickly as they could. The Rhodas soldiers returned fire, lobbing shots over the wall and aiming for archers. The Bisare archers panicked and begin focusing on the enemy archers.

The Rhodas army took this chance to run their ram toward the door. Three men on each side of ram each guarded by another with a shield. In the heat of battle the Bisare archers didnt notice the ram till it was only 10 yards from gate. "Aim down! Enemy ram!" Only 5 arrows rained downward four of which hit the enemies shields and one striking the ram itself. "Dont let them breach the gate fire!" 3 shots followed. The front two men carrying the ram collapsed but their guards threw their shields and picked the ram back up. And with that they were slamming the ram into the front gate.

Sean looked up and watched as his last archer, the commander of the wall took a gruesome arrow to the neck and collapsed. "Guards ready yourself for battle" they all took offensive positions and watched as the wood began splintering. Sean looked at his daughter and began to pray "father up above please protect my men and my daughter. Hear this prayer and give me the strength to slay any man with intent to harm my village for we were made in you image and fight with you on our side till they day we too are bested in battle and join you in your divine kingdom, amen." With that the gate gave way to the ram and swung open.

Rhodas soldiers stormed in by the dozens. Olivia positioned on the right side if the gate held up her twin daggers. She was a women in her early twenties with short blonde hair who has seen battle only with bandits. She knew this fight would be tougher than any battle she was in before. She watched as the enemies ran through the opened gate and she was prepared. The archers managed to thin the enemies numbers but they were still out matched 3-1. She lunged forward with no mercy or fear and stabbed a Rhodas soldier in the ribs and followed up with her second dagger to his throat. "This is our village we will prevail!"

Ashley watched from the backlines as her fellow villagers were slowly picked off. She began to fill with fear and didnt notice the soldier sneak to her right until he began to rush towards her. He swung his sword but as he lifted it she managed to see him and brought he spear to meet his attack. She blocked his first swing but she knew he outmatched her in experience and all she could do is stay on the defensive until she saw an opening.

10 guards were slain already and Sean shouted to retreat to the rendezvous point Olivia started to advance backward but noticed her father continued to fight. She knew he planned on buying them as much time as he could. She noticed the last Rhodas soldiers were within the gate now. A mere 13 men but all the towns guards were down. Olivia looked at ashley who now had two soldiers on her.

Olivia came up behind one of the soldiers and stabbed him in his spine and followed up with her second dagger crashing into his leather cap and piercing his skull. As he collapsed the second soldier kicked Ashley in the gut and swung his sword at Olivia who attempted to block i but got sliced on her right forearm. Ashley quickly recovered from her kick and planted her spear through the back of the soldier who had wounded her friend and the tip of the spear punctured through the front of his chest. She kicked him the back as she pulled the spear out. "Olivia are you okay. Thank you for coming to my aid"

Olivia looked at the crimson red blood dripping from her arm "yes I'm fine we've been told to retreat to the rendezvous point. Now run." Olivia grabbed her daggers and sheathed them and began running toward the back gate that was left open for their retreat. Ashley and Olivia looked back hoping to see Sean running but he was surrounded and down on one knee with a spear through the back of his leg. Olivias eyes watered up as she whispered "i love you father, may we meet again in the kingdom of heaven"

Olivia and Ashley made it to the training area deep in the woods without encountering a single soldier. They could smell the fire raising from their village. Olivia wrapped her right arm in fabric as two men came out of the tree line. "Olivia!" One of the young men screamed as they both rushed to her.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2019 ⏰

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