Part 1

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This is what you look like. Feel free to change the eye and hair colors! For the information: your parents abused you heavily before and when you joined Levi. We'll start before you know each other!

"Go steal some food, you good for nothing little brat!" Father yelled at me.

"Yes father." I replied softly.

I walked to a nearby bar that smelled food for a low price. Not a lot of people knew about it, so I benefitted from that.

There was a small fight going on between the bartender and a costumer.

"Hey, Oyaji(old man)!" I said to the bartender.

He was about to make a bet with the other person.

"False/name(a fake name to not get recognized), I'll get to you soon." He said.

I nodded and sat down somewhere.

They went arm wrestling and the other person, apparently named 'Levi' won. He took a box of tea as reward.

That's all? That's so useless though!

Well, at least he didn't take any food.

I stood up and helped the man up.

"I'll get it right away." He told me.

He disappeared behind the bar and quickly came back with a package.

"Thanks Oyaji." I said.

I had a cape on so I wouldn't be seen with the hood over my head.

I bumped into the person who won from the man earlier. I looked up at him(let's just say we'll make him 170 and you 155). His eyes were steal grey and he looked disgusted at me.

I was about to rush off when he held me back.

"Apologize." He said.

I kept my mouth shut. The less I talked the less they would remember me or my voice.

He squeezed my shoulder really hard, but I didn't move an inch.

"H-he's sorry! Let the boy go!" The bartender pleaded.

"He has to apologize."

I got fed up with this, since I didn't want to end up half dead because I was a bit late.

I twisted away from his grip and turned to face him.

"Sorry." I said, bowing before dashing off.

I made it just in time but ended up half dead anyway. I wandered around the streets after that, looking for food to get. I never got any of the food I delivered to my father and mother. They said it wasn't enough to share.

I saw people sneaking 3DM gear on wagons.

When they weren't paying attention I stole one.

I started to teach myself how to use it and learned pretty quickly.

One day the Military Police was very close when I stole something. They were on my tail, so I had to hide.

I banged on someone's door until they opened.

It was that Levi guy and his male friend. I also saw that girl sitting on a couch.

"Don't let her escape!" Someone yelled in the distance.

"Are you being followed?" Levi asked annoyed.

"Tch." I answered, not wanting him to know I needed help.

Levi x male readerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz