Brink! chapter one

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 The first time I went to the pit was on my fourteenth birthday. I had begged my father to let me go, to let me show the skills I had worked so hard to build over the last eight years. I would always pass it on the way home from school, always envying the skaters gliding over such smooth pavement. I was used to the rocky streets and uneven pavements, and I loved it. I liked the jolts in my feet going over the bumps in the road, and the comfort and safety of being close to home. But recently, they began to feel limiting. I'd gotten about as good as I could get sticking to the streets, always so close to the ground that falls felt like nothing. I wanted a challenge, to prove to myself that I could advance. But my dad felt differently. He didn't want me getting involved with the kids at the skate park. If I fell hard enough, I could get seriously hurt. But I didn't care. I had wanted it for so long, and I didn't want to wait any longer. So when my dad finally granted my request as a birthday gift, I couldn't refuse. I packed my skates and gear and headed off to the park. As long as I was home by dark, my father was fine with it. I surveyed the park, looking for something that was manageable, but would also provide a little more excitement than my daily trips to school. My eye finally caught on a ramp, about seven feet high. The long build-up would give me time to prepare, but the steep incline would help jazz things up a bit. I skated over to the ramp. I didn't really know what to expect, but I was excited. I sprinted towards it before straightening my skates. I hit it from the side, going up a few feet, before tilting back down. It was exhilarating. I decided to try it again, going a little higher this time. I hit it faster than the first time, and on the downhill, my feet started to cross. Panic filled my mind, I couldn't stop. My skates hit the pavement, hard. A sharp skidding sound filled my ears. My legs twisted beneath me. I had fallen so many times, but this was new. For a few moments I lay there, stunned, when I heard a voice.

"Hey, man. You okay?"

The speaker sounded familiar, but I couldn't quite place his voice. I opened my eyes to see a tall figure standing over me. His dark hair went down to his shoulders, and covered his face as he reached out to help me. I came to my senses and took his hand.

"You should probably go sit down. Seems like the ground really worked you. We have biology together, right? What's your name?" He asked, leading me to a bench on the other side of the park. I knew he sounded familiar. School started two weeks ago, and I was still matching names and faces.

"My name's Andy." I respond. "Andy Brinker."

"Cool name. Mine's Val. I didn't know you skated here."

"It's my first time. I usually stick to the streets, but I thought I'd try something new for a change. Doesn't seem to be going so well though."

"That's okay," he responded. "To be honest, I wasn't all that great when I started out here. But now, I'm like the king. We all start somewhere."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2019 ⏰

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