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The car ride was very quiet. Neither of them spoke a word. The man next to her looked at her, again and again. Her head hurt and everything turned. She had definitely been over the top with the alcohol, but instead she had delivered a super cool show. The man had said ambiguous things in the restaurant and was determined to seduce her.
She held back, but the alcohol allowed her to become weak. She had waited a long time, hoping that he would come to her someday, but he never came. It was probably the best to forget him, so she surrendered to the man and didn't argue.
The stranger kept kissing her and she had to remind him that there were still other people in the car. She kept pushing him away, but he was stronger.

After 6 hours of driving, a couple of kisses and a nap, they finally reached her home in LA. She even wanted to talk to her bodyguards, but she was too humble. The man opened her door and pulled her out of the car. Everything was still turning. The jerky movement, when she got out of the car, almost made her lose her balance. The man put his arm around her waist and led her into her house. Shortly after the door closed, he caught her mouth in a heated kiss. He pulled her sweater over her head, which she had put on while driving. She kept trying to get out of his grip, but he was definitely stronger than her. Her hair had already been a mess and her makeup was smeared too. Even though her body was taking part, her head kept saying that she should stop. Everywhere were red marks on her wrists.
"Plea- ... Stoo- !!"
She wanted to stop, but he didn't let her. Just as the man was about to take off his shirt, there was a knock on the door. At first they didn't hear the noise, but after a while it got louder. Stefani smiled slyly and staggered to the door. It seemed like a way out of this nightmarish situation. She wanted finally forget him and get rid of all the problems, but that wasn't the right way.
"Open it! And don't forget to come back!!! Hurry!"
It was probably Bobby who had to give her something or wanted to talk about the next show. On the way, she tried to fix her look, but she didn't make it much better . Bobby had been through a lot with her, so nothing was embarrassing between them. Somehow tears ran down her face. She opened the door and her little smile immediately disappeared. The alcohol lost his effect and she remembered everything. What was she doing here?
In front of her was a man with a dark hoodie. He held onto the door frame and stared at the floor. His breath was quick and irregular, almost as if he was running. His brown hair was messed up and a little sweaty. When he raised his head to look at her, she recognized his blue eyes. She would always recognize these eyes. His eyes ...
"Is he still here?!"
He looked at her from top to bottom and he immediately realized what had happened. There was a hint of sadness in her eyes. Panic that only he could see. Stefani stood there motionless and her head automatically nodded . Her heart beat faster, almost jumped a little.
"Let me in!!"
His voice reflected his feelings. The excitement and sadness in him were gone and now it was only anger that guided his actions. Unexpectedly, he pushed her aside and went into the all-too-familiar house. They had often spent time here before. This house had even seen things nobody should know about. They were secrets that only they both knew. When he came into the living room, he saw the strange man lying on her sofa. His torso was bare. He stared at the man. He wasn't as tanned as he was, and he didn't really have any muscles, unlike him. He had trained hard all the weeks.
"Get out!"
Stefani came running out of the hall and watched the situation without a word. The stranger sat up, but didn't move.
His arm pointed to the door behind him. Stefani had never seen him so angry before. The young woman didn't know what to do. The mysterious man got up from the sofa.
"Listen! This is not your girlfriend! This is not your house! You have nothing to say here! I would say you better leave now!"
The man put on his shirt and closed every button.
"I'll say it one last time ... leave this damn house now!"
He kept walking towards the stranger and clenched his fists. Stefani tried to hold him back by his arm. She felt that his muscles were tense. He had definitely trained.
"Please don't do that!"
She started to cry even more. All the emotions from the past came up again. Her headache was miraculously gone. The very fact that he had come to her after such a long time was too much for her. He took another step towards the man so that they faced each other directly. The stranger was definitely smaller than him and was a little intimidated, but he didn't show it.
"If you don't move your damned ass out of this house right now, I'll help you ... BUT I DON'T THINK THAT YOU WANT ME TO HELP YOU!"
"The dirty bitch wanted that! Not me!"
He immediately reached for his shirt collar and pressed him, with full force, against the wall.
"Listen you dirty son of a bitch! Leave this beautiful woman! Did you understand? She could never be a bitch like you! This woman is a pure goddess, for whom I would do anything! SO FUCK THE FUCK OFF!"
Stefani melted in his declaration of love. The situation escalated more and more. He threw the man into the hallway. The stranger was completely inferior to his strength, but he decided to strike. The man tried to hit him with all his strength, but he skilfully evaded. In one stroke, however, he was too slow. His lip was bleeding.
She was totally shocked. A short, loud scream came from her mouth. Immediately she was at his side, wanted to help him, but he pushed her back slightly.
A brief pain shot through his body. He closed his eyes, gathered himself briefly, and punched the man in the face.
The stranger had a little blood on his cheek. The man got up in panic and was gone. He turned and looked at Stefani. She immediately ran into his arms. Her cheeks were wet with tears. He pulled her close and inhaled her smell. How much she had missed it. He pulled back a little to look at her. Her hand carefully stroked his face.
"Are you alright?"
She nodded and smiled.
"You came!"
She pressed her forehead to his. He was the one who smiled now.
"I promised you that I'll do it! I love you!"
"I love you too, Bradley! You saved me! ... Thanks!"
Her lips came closer and closer cautiously. They kissed. It was a kiss with so much love, a kiss they had never felt before.

Hey guys, another Chapter🤗. This was just an idea which came suddenly in my mind ... hope you like it! Ans don't take it too serious!! Ly😘

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