"Death Cards"

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Hey guys! This is my reinvented story of the "Harry Potter: Deathly Hallows" the story about the three brothers. It's my English assignment due to tomorrow (we had to reinvent our own story using the three Peverell brothers and Death) 

Hope you guys enoy it! ^^

                                                    "Death Cards"

Has anyone ever told you about your death? In a carnival called “Deathly Hollows,” the theme was a Circus-like, where there are clowns, acrobats, trained animals, stunt artist and so much more. There were three brothers: Antioch, Cadmus, and Ingotus. As they walk, passing from food booths to game booths; they found an interesting tent called “Tarot.” They met a clairvoyant figure named “Death,” the way he welcomed them was so creepy that it made the Peverell brothers frighten a bit. Death told them to have a sit. He shuffled the tarot cards and spread them in line then each of them picks a card. 

The oldest brother, Antioch, was first to reveal his card. Death says the card is about a girl that Antioch dated in the past; she died with a broken heart because of him. Death said he would die, Antioch asked when but Death didn’t know. Then it was Cadmus, the second brother’s turn. Death stared at the card for a moment to look at every single detail carefully; he said to Cadmus, he was going to die soon. The second brother was breathing so hard that he ran out of the tent and the older brother chased after him. Finally, it was the third brother’s turn, Ingotus. Before Death was about to flip his card, Ingotus stopped him; he didn’t want know what will happen to him so he leaves the tent. After he left, Death reveals Ingotus’s card and said “Interesting,” he grins. Ingotus was scared for his brothers’ death. Even though he left the tent, he was curious about his card but he had to find brother.

The two brothers couldn’t find Cadmus so Antioch told to Ingotus to just go home because he thought Cadmus is dead. As they arrived home, there were so much blood on the floor; it reaches to their rooms where they found Cadmus, lying on floor, his body parts cut into pieces with blood. They didn’t know who killed him or who wanted to kill him, their Brother’s death remained a mystery.            

Ingotus was dreaming about Antioch, a car crashes on him and the driver was a girl. Ingotus woke up wide-eyed, gasping; he didn’t tell his dream to his brother because he thought his dream is not true so he went back to sleep. In the next day, Ingotus got up from his bed and someone reported to him that his brother died into a car accident. 

Ingotus had another dream again but as soon as he continues to dream, he immediately woke up; he decided he wasn’t sleeping anymore. Days passed, Ingotus was becoming paranoid; lack of sleep, his brothers’ death, and his dream. He didn’t have to finish his dream because he knew that would be the end of his life.

btw, sorry for the wrong grammar.. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2014 ⏰

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