World Tour Crasher

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She stood on the stage and performed Stupid Love. The dancers danced in the background and wore pink costumes. Unlike them, she only wore a pink skirt and had certain Ally vibes. Lady Gaga was back on a World Tour and it was just amazing. She had already spoken to her manager so that her concerts would not be too exhausting. The tour was still planned for about a month and she only had to go to Europe to present her new album. Compared to the last tour, she was in excellent health.
After finishing the song, she spoke a little to the fans. At that time, she didn't know he was there too. She didn't know that he had spoken to Bobby and had flown to her. She sat on the stage with her dancers and paused for a few minutes. Before she could say anything, the crowd started cheering. Everyone was looking to the right, so she also looked in the direction to see what was going on. One person was accompanied by Peter through the crowd. She couldn't see who it was yet, so she got up again. When the person came on stage, they could't believe her eyes.

Oh my god!

She almost burst into tears of joy. The man jogged slightly towards her to hug her. They shared a tight hug.

How is that possible?

She held the microphone down.

Ouh B! I've missed you so much!

They hugged again while the fans started cheering again.

I couldn't stand it without you anymore and I have to ask you something.

He took her hand and people escalated even more. They smiled at each other. Bradleys eyes were a little uncertain as he pulled his pants up by one leg and knelt in front of them. Her eyes widened and she stared at him in shock.

No this- no Bradley, I-

They looked into each others eyes. The audience was silent. All of the dancers looked terrified but also incredibly happy. Nobody expected that.

Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta, you are the love of my life. My love for you is indescribable. I would do everything for you! We have experienced so much together, we have gone through difficult and simple times. You are always there for me when I need you and I always try to be there for you. Every cell in my body loves you! You're the best thing that ever happened to me. I need you by my side and I hope you feel the same way. I want to spend my life with you, have a family with you, grow old with you and experience so many wonderful moments.

Some fans were already crying and Gaga also had a tear on her cheek.

I only flew here from America to ask you this important question. Stefani?

He quickly took a small box out of his jacket and opened the lid.

Will you marry me? And if not, I still love you just as before and I mean every single word that I said!

She was calm and said nothing. More tears ran down her cheeks and she looked into his beautiful blue eyes. She turned briefly to her fans and looked at them with a sad smile. She pulled her hand away from him and put it on her heart as she knelt down in front of him. Her voice was just a low, hoarse whisper, but he could understand it.


Bradley had never been so happy in his life before. He pulled her into his arms and hugged her with so much momentum that he fell backwards with her. The audience cheered and screamed like never before. Stefani lay on top of him and buried her head in his shoulder. He held her tightly to his chest.

We are getting married!

Yes Miss Cooper! We will!

He sat down again. She was still on his lap when he put the ring around her little finger.

It's so beautiful! I love you, B!

They shared a passionate and sweet kiss and heard the crowds "awww". After separating but still holding hands, she picked up her microphone again.

Well, after saying yes, I want to say something else. The man next to me is the love of my life! I want to share my life with him. Our love is indestructible, incredibly precious and healing. In my whole life I have only struggled with problems until you came into my life. It may be surprising to some now, but we'll get married. And-

People cheered again and now screamed Bradga.

And soon be a small family.

She looked at Bradley, who had tears in his eyes and was looking at the floor because he didn't know what to do now. When he noticed that she was looking at him, he looked at her. He had heard what she said, but didn't know what she meant. He couldn't define her expression. Some fans understood what she wanted to say. She squeezed his hand a little harder.

I've been waiting for this moment for so long now. It has been my dream since I was a little girl. You not only fulfilled my dream of being an actress, but also that I would become a mother someday!

His heart skipped a beat when he heard what she had said. It took a moment to process everything when he looked at her in alarm.

You are?

I'm pregnant! Our little monster is on the way!

Oh my god, OH MY GOD!

He started to cry. His breathing became irregular and he couldn't suppress the sobs any longer. She took off her pink skirt so that she only wore her black bodysuit. If you looked closely enough, you could see a small bump on her stomach. She pulled him closer to her and wrapped her arms around him when she saw him so fragile. Their forheads were pressed against each other.

We're having a baby! Stef! We're having a baby!

I know darling, I'm so happy! I love you!

God! I love you too! You can't imagine how much I love you and our baby!

She wiped her and his tears away. Suddenly Bradley whirled her through the air and threw her over his shoulder. He took the microphone again.

My fiancee is pregnant!

The fans clapped and cheered. Everyone was full of joy.

Tell me somethin', girl
Are you happy in this modern world?
Or do you need more?
Is there somethin 'else you're searchin' for?

No! I'm happy, because I have everything I need! My fans, my soon husband and my baby! Thank you so much!

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