Parents 2

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A loud scream was suddenly heard in the room. The bright light was still dazzling when her head fell back onto the white pillow, exhausted. Her breath was irregular and a thin layer of sweat covered her body. Even though she was exhausted, she had to smile at the sound. She had done it. She had really done it. A thing she had always dreamed of. Her greatest dream had finally come true and she had achieved what she always wanted to achieve.

He was by her side all the time. Her hands were bandaged as if they were chained together. His skin was red because she had squeezed his hand too much. When he saw his beautiful wife lying in front of him, he couldn't stop his tears. The whole moment seemed to run in slow motion. Although there were three other people in the room, there were only they and the baby. The baby that she had just given birth to. The doctors wrapped it in a cloth and immediately placed it on her chest. She had life in her hands that she had created herself. Life what came out of her and consisted of Bradley and her.

It was the perfect mix of them. The small, delicate fingers that clung to his hand and skin. The short brown hair and the beautiful blue eyes. The baby had the exact same spot under the lip and eye as Stefani. It had the same lips as him and was just perfect. He leaned behind her and looked at the little human she was holding in her arms. There was a lot of pride and gratitude in his eyes when he looked at the woman who had created this baby, his baby, just a few seconds ago. He pressed a long kiss to her lips and stroked her almost completely brown hair with one hand, which she hadn't colored since the beginning of pregnancy. His other hand was in the baby's firm grip.

The other people left the room after checking her and the newborn. Everything had gone perfectly. She even could go back home today if she wanted to. Stefani was so happy that everything went smoothly. She was so terrified that something could have gone wrong or something was wrong with her baby. Their baby. The most beautiful words she had ever heard and said.

B, she's perfect

A thick tear rolled down her blushed cheek. He gently wiped the wet area away with his thumb and kissed her again.

She is! You're the strongest woman in the whole world! My love!

She smiled a little.

I'm not the only one who gave birth to a baby!

No, but you gave birth to our baby. Our beautiful baby! Second baby.

Charly will be so happy!

Yes he will. He'll love her, just like we do. She's really perfect. A little mini Stef.

She kissed him on the cheek and held up her baby so that he could take her.

She's the perfect mix of us.

God, I'm so in love with her. Her little fingers, your hair and those sweet lips.

I mean, she's your daughter.

No, she is our daughter.

I love you, our little family.

Charly! We're back, look who's here!

They heard little steps running through the room.

Mommy! Daddy!

Look honey, who's here.

Stefani knelt down and held the baby tight in her arms. Bradley stood behind her and had a hand on her back when Charly ran to them. The little boy shyly clung to his dad's leg and peered curiously at the pink blanket.

My sister?

Yes baby, say hello to Joanne Allison Cooper.

The little boy carefully put a hand on his sister's cheek. Joanne yawned a little and held out her hand. She held onto her brother's finger, which looked a little startled.

Everything ok, baby!

Bradley knelt behind Stefani and stroked his little back.

She loves you just like we do.

You are a big brother now, sweetie.

Natali stood in the doorway and watched the small family in front of her. She had taken care of Charly while they were in the hospital.

My baby is finally here!

Stefani and Bradley looked at her. Bradley picked up his little son and put him on his hip when Natalie took the little girl in her arms.

Awwww, you really did a great job! I hope you don't stop and do a few more? I can't get enough of these little creatures! Charly is so cute and now please take a look at this cute thing! She is magnificent!


What? I just say the truth! Everyone knows you are like rabbits anyway!

Shh! Not in front of the children!

Ahh see! You don't even deny it! I just ask you, a little boy and another little girl. Maybe even two girls and two boys more?

Natali Veronica Germanotta! This little girl came out of me just 4 hours ago. Nothing will happen here for the next 4 to 6 weeks!

Natali rocked the baby in her arms. Charly watched her curiously.

It's ok, chill! What did mom and dad say about this little thing? They must have melted, right?

Joe almost smothered me because of joy and your mother jumped like a bouncy ball across the room. They were all blown away, they had the same reaction as they had with Charly.

I didn't expect anything else.

Bradley accompanied Stefani to the sofa and put a blanket over her so she could rest a little.

Ok, I'll better leave. It was a busy day. You did a great job, this little angel is so cute. I'm proud of you sissy!

Natali kissed her sister on the cheek and gave her the baby.

Of course, Coops too!

She repeated the gesture, then hugged Charly.

I'll see you again tomorrow, big brother! I love you!

After singing a song to him, Charly had fallen asleep in the big bed. They were both side by side, the baby in the middle and Charly in his extra bed next to them. The fresh parents couldn't help but look at their perfect children.

They are just perfect. Thanks!

Why thanks, Stef?

You made me the happiest woman in the world again! I can't believe that our second child is in the world!

I have to thank you! What your body did today, what you did for me, for these two wonderful children we have! Thank you for everything! I love you! I am the happiest man who has ever lived!

They shared a small, sweet kiss and held hands as they stared back at the baby.

I'm excited to see what our next little mouse will look like-

Both grinned at each other and snuggled closer together.

Sleep now! You have experienced so much today, you have to rest! My love! I love you!

I love you too!

Her eyes were immediately closed and just after a short time she fell asleep. Bradley watched the sleeping angel, whom he owed so much.

I love you all! My family!

After barely whispering the last word, he fell asleep and dreamed about the perfect life he had.

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