The Noob

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This trader does not understand the value of the Adopt Me system. They trade everything they can obtain for something that is cool looking or cute instead of valuable items. They don't know the value of badged  pets, and, because they just started the game, they can't identify what other players are holding/riding/talking about. Here is an example:

Noob: *sees other player's fly potion.*

Noob: "what is that?"

Pro: "my ride frost."

Noob: "No, the blue butterfly thing. I'm sorry, i just joined the game."

pro: "oh, it's fine. It's called a fly potion."

Noob: "what does it do? And can you show me?"

pro: "ok."

Pro: *feeds fly potion to frost*

Pro: *flies frost*

noob: "ooh! Cool!"

Guys, this actrally happened one day playing Adopt Me! XD It's ok though, new people take time to adapt!

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