Chapter 1: Maid

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(Soo this is basically my maid story from the oneshot book rewritten and split into short chapters. Some parts the same, some new. This chapter's mostly just old stuff since the juicier stuff comes later)

"I don't know Tsumugi... A maid? I don't know how Kaede would feel about that" Shuichi sat in the cafe with his two friends, Rantaro Amami and Tsumugi Amami. They have all decided to go out for lunch at the Usami Cafe as they haven't hanged out in a while because his girlfriend Kaede didn't do anything around the house and Shuichi just silently did everything for her.

Currently, they were talking about Kaede's constant whining that Shuichi's big house was always super dusty and how she didn't like cleaning but liked complaining.

For context Kaede and Shuichi have been in a relationship for about two years but have known each other since they were kids. Kaede had moved in with him as soon as they started dating with the reasoning she wanted to be with him all the time even though she was out at work or with her BFF from high school Miu. But they made it work.

At least to Shuichi they did.

Shuichi's friends weren't exactly thrilled upon meeting Kaede. They considered her behavior rather odd and while Shuichi had to agree Kaede loved complaining and often had to work he was blindly in love and didn't really like it when his friends brought the topic up. He understood they were concerned but they didn't have to be. Everything was fine...

He was just fine.

"C'mon Shuichi! It'll stop her from annoying you and you'll be able to relax for a while. Right now you work for a detective agency, clean your entire mansion, and do everything while she's busy with her concerts. This will take some things off your shoulders." Amami said. It was true. 

Kaede Akamatsu was a famous pianist. She was known all across the world so she often worked, or at least that's what she said she did considering the fact she never had any cash in her bank account and always 'borrowed' money from Shuichi. 

She was frequently busy attending different social events, hanging out with her best friend Miu, and doing concerts, meanwhile, Shuichi was stuck at home cleaning, organizing different case files, and doing everything and then taking care of Kaede who usually returned drunk on red wine from parties.

"I don't kno-" Tsumugi interrupted him. 

"Please Shuchi, you're barely awake here. Everyone misses hanging out with you" she said. It was true. Shuichi was basically sleeping with his eyes open at this point. He's been living on coffee and energizers at this point and even that didn't help much anymore. Tsumugi sighed looking over pitifully. 

"Look, you remember Kirumi right? The one that runs that maid & butler company, The Spiderweb Maids?" she asked affixing her golden-rimmed glasses on her nose. 

"Her services are pretty expensive. I don't think I can afford her help." Shuichi said tiredly, but Tsumugi smiled.

"Dummy, I know that. However, Kirumi has connections with a different maid company. DICE I think it's called. And there's this guy who works there. He's also a maid and worked with her for three months, training to be as good as her. He works for lower prices and is pretty good at what he's doing, we know from experience. So you can consider hiring him." She said handing him a piece of paper with a phone number. Shuichi looked at the neat paper with an exhausted look.

"Please consider it. You look dead right now" Tsumugi said concerned. Shuichi sighed. His friends were right.

"I...I will. But I'll have to discuss with Kaede first " he said sipping on his coffee when his phone rang. Coincidentally, it was Kaede.

 "Uh...hold that thought." He said picking up the phone "Hello?

"Hello Sweetchi, honey~! I have a question to ask you..." A sweet voice rang out at the other end of the line. Shuichi's lips twitched into a smile immediately letting his friends know who was calling

"Yeah, what is it?" Shuichi asked wondering what Kaede could want this time. "Miu and I are at the mall and I just saw the PERFECT dress for an upcoming event. It's dusty pink, it's elegant, it's beautiful" she said softly "But it's kinda pricey... I don't have enough money so do you mind me borrowing some of yours?" She said in a charming tone. Of course, there was a catch. There always was but ah, that honey-laced voice....he couldn't resist it.

"How much does it cost?" Saihara said. He soon regretted asking that question, his eyes widening at hearing the price tag. How can you spend that much on a piece of clothes?! Is it made of sewed together diamonds?!

"Don't you think that price is a bit ridiculous...?" he chuckled awkwardly. He heard Kaede whine over the phone "But Saihara sweetie! I'm going to an event tomorrow! A lot of important people are gonna be there to see me perform and I gotta have a pretty dress to impress them! I'll promise to give you back after I get my paycheck!" she complained adding to Shuichi's increasing migraine.

'Well, she sounds really happy about it...guess I'll have to deal with a hole in my wallet ...' Saihara sighed. " can borrow-" Kaede basically screamed from joy in his ear which certainly woke him up. "Thank you, Shuichi! Listen, I gotta go. Miu and I are going to buy the dress and then maybe some Starbucks. Sayonara!" she said quickly hanging up.

"Another big spend?" Amami asked as soon as the call was over. "Yeah...she's pretty reckless when it comes to money..." Saihara said "But she said she'll pay me back so I guess it's okay..." Tsumugi groaned. 

"Saihara, she said that last time when you bought her a different dress. She got drunk and forgot she borrowed any money from you and then ACCUSED YOU, that you were stealing her money when you asked about it!" Saihara looked at Tsumugi blankly. 

Many of his friends have already told him to leave Kaede, but Shuichi was convinced that she was 'the one' for him. It's true she was reckless and was often partying and whining or practicing piano. She might've borrowed from him often, was rarely home, and complained about things he did wrong but when they spent time together, Shuichi was happy.

"Look, guys, I don't need to have this argument with you again. We're doing just fine together, so can't we just have a nice day out without arguments?" Shuichi said slightly annoyed. 

Amami and Tsumugi looked at each other concerned but agreed and changed the topic to something less stressful.

(Yay first chapter is out time to write the rest)

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