month 1

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Brenna's pov

I awoke to the smell of the sweet east wind and the sound of birds chirping. I slid out of bed made my bed got dressed in a 221b baker st shirt blue jeans and my fanmade star trek converse sneakers. As i was walking downstairs i hear someone scream please help my friend he needs it please! it came from my backyard i jumped up and ran for my backyard where to my surprise i saw cptn kirk, dr mccoy and spock. spock was passed out on the ground. hello i said to the three men hi kirk said can you help my boyfriend he asked sure i said i ran inside grabbed my medkit and ran outside and rushed to spock's side i was surprised that they were here but i was happy to help. he is bleeding internaly he needs medical attention immediatly i said as i pulled out my phone i called my aunt since she is a doctor. the phone rang twice before my aunt picked up hey sweetie she said, hi i need hel[p but quick question do you know anything about vulcan anatomy. she hung up and ran across the road she lived right next to us (talk about convient). she rushed to spock's side with a complex med kit. I had noticed kirk was sitting on my deck with his head in his hands I glanced at my aunt as she gave a quick nod. got up slowly and wanderd over to him sat next to him and put my hand on his shoulder and let him cry on me. after a while we had brought spock in and layed him on the couch I walked over to McCoy and wraped my arms around him shocked at first but in a second he returned the embrace. Then I walked over to kirk and let him open up to me about anything. 

kirks pov 

Brenna was the most supportive accepting 13 year old I have ever met she let me open up to her. Spock and I had been dating for about year when we were beamed down to 2020 earth we had also that day found out Spock was.. pregnant yup it was one hell of a shock ya see he had been sick for the past week. Brenna was 13 she was not homophobic transphobic racist rude or any other negative attribute she was willing to comfort me she was strong willed and sassy in a good way kinda like bones. she is homeschooled she love animals and is very social she is a part of the LGBTQ+ community she told me she is asexual biromantic and she wants to be a trauma surgeon when she is older she admires all of Starfleet but feels bad for the enterprise  she says that we get all the hard traumatising missions like Vulcan being destroyed or trying to catch kahn. It was about when I heard the door open Brenna? a voice called i'm home. her aunt walked in  . after about 5 minutes I heard a voice call out Jim where are you ashayham  my heart dropped it was Spock he was ok tears welled up in my eyes as I ran towards Spock. He sat with his hands on his slightly curved stomach. Ashayham he said emotionless where are we and may I ask who the girl is standing behind you? he asked  well I said you passed out in Brenna's  backyard she checked you called her aunt you've been out about 2 hours I said quietly. Oh he said I see , do you have contact with the enterprise. no love I don't im sorry. does Brenna know I am with child Jim? yes she does I said quietly.

Brenna's pov 

All of a sudden Spock looked greenish paleish Spock I said quietly knowing how sensitive Vulcan ears are, are you alright? all that came for a response was a light groan before he slowly stood up bolting to the bath room Jim followed I want to the kitchen retrieving a damp cloth a glass of water anti nausea medication and peppermint oil to settle his stomach when I reached the bathroom all I heard was Jim soothing Spock and Spock vomiting violently here I said calmly sliding the stuff in on a tray and kneeling down next to Spock who laid back on me and Jim and slowly shut his eyes. I apologise he said for what being sick? Spock that's not your fault. I said in a reassuring voice. wow bones said how did you learn that peppermint will cure nausea he asked I learned it at one am when I was bored I said. Here Spock we have a guest room lets get you some rest. I appreciate you tolorence and hospitality towords us he said. it's no problem. I helped Spock up and bones and I helped Spock up the stairs and into bed I grabed an old t- shirt and some bottoms for Spock. I checked spock for a fever when I noticed he was really hot so I grabbed a cloth wet it down with cold water an very carefully wrapped it gently around his wrist. I looked at bones he was starstruck that I knew exactly where to place the cold cloth and why brenna did you put it there he asked  giving me an easy trivia question. well I said he has a very high tempeture so I know the heat pressure points one both a human and a Vulcans body I said with confidence. I heard that slight groan as kirk rushed to spock's side and I ran to grab a bucket. when I returned spock was in a fetal position kirk lying next to him I gave a small smile I was proud and want them to know. well we will leave you two be bones said come on brenna.

Bones's pov

so brenna what do you wanna be when your older I asked with curiosity a trauma surgeon she awnsered quite boldly wow who inspired you? I asked. after a quick moment of silence she quietly said you. wait me I asked. yeah here you guys are tv show people from a show called star trek

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