blood veil

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In a world full of the pathetic and the weak, I was surrounded by the expectations to be perfect. Being the first daughter of the vampire kingdom, Drasula, this doesn't allow for any errors. I need to say the right words at the right time in the right way. I had to be knowledgeable about everything, from politics to history to predicting the future. I need to make sure everyone respects me as a princess, so making sacrifices was never an option.



I felt quite privileged being the youngest son in the true blood family, I could do what my heart pleased without being questioned and got to live life how I wanted. I would have become a spoilt child if the true blood kingdom wasn't slowly deteriorating. As true bloods, artificial blood doesn't quite fulfill our craving like the real blood does, specially the blood from humans, but not many humans are willing to volunteer to feed a whole kingdom, and so my parents had to take actions.



I was not always destined to rule the kingdom; my family hoped and tried to raise a son who could take over the thrown. After my younger sister had been injured as a child, my parents made the decision to cease the efforts to raise a son after the royal witch failed to successfully help her, the responsibility of raising a child that needs extra care was too much to focus and bringing another child would be a hindrance, so they reluctantly decided to give me the power when they are ready. I was ecstatic when I heard the news, my heart beating with joy I was more than eager to use my powers.



I wasn't prepared to be next in the thrown. My big brother was training to become the next king. He left for training in the master combat but when the general came back, he said my brother had died on the way there trying to protect outskirt villagers from rouge werewolves. Now the pressure was on me to be responsible for the throne. All of a sudden I was being told what to do and how to act, so I could replace my brother in this honorable position. I could never be as great as he could have been, but I don't have an option so the only thing to be done is to try my best.



I sat on the dining table with a high shoulder and a straight back, my legs crossed but my right leg hanging delicately on my bottom left thigh for support, my hands were placed on my lap, in an eloquent manner, on top of each other. The clock ticked as I wait for my father to take his first bite before I take could sip on my soup. My mother sat in front of me nodding in approval of her meal. She had a soft, elegant smile and radiant eyes, which seemed dark but bright. Her cheeks were hollow and the ratio of her face seemed perfectly proportional. Her face for sure was the face of a queen. I have always admired how beautiful my mother is despite being 4083. I have always aspired to look as gorgeous at her age.

"Marrie! Why do you look like that? You're a princess" my father suddenly said, huffing air as he takes a bite from his raw beef. I carefully look down at my attire and notice that his comment was partially regarding the bland brown cloth wrapped around me held together with a lose string I found on my dressing table.

"Father, no one can see what I look like. I am in the comfort of my home. I don't need to wear proper clothing" I reply taking a sip from my chicken blood soup. Closing my eyes with each sip to be presented as feminine, a habit I try to maintain.

"Marrie, you have to think about what people with say if they see you" he argued back with a disappointed look laced on his face. I put down my spoon and looked at my father with a smile, causing my father to grimace as he scrutinized my expression.

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