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Draco's POV

"Lifes been crap Drake. I had a muggle girlfriend but she broke up with me claiming I was too dramatic and had a lot of trauma. I mean, yes trauma, I survived a damn war, and almost everyone I knew died. I thought she was the one ya know. Her name was Max, which I said was a boy's name and she said it stood for Maxine and she thought Maxine sounded too girly. But anyway, how are you, Drake?"

I shrugged and we got inside the train which was mostly empty. "I guess it's been going good but I really don't know. I've been alone for the past three and a half months. Well, except for my elves. They're pretty nice and like to make scarves. They crochet a lot. I spend my family fortune on chocolate biscuits and yarn. I think my parents would be proud of me." I laughed sarcastically at the thought of my parents. We found an empty compartment open and sat down. I unshrank my luggage and sat it next to me. "Oh yeah, I got a random package today before I came here. I brought it with me." I opened I trunk and took the small package out.

"Ooh, let's open it and see what it is." Pansy looked really giddy and disregarded my remark about my parents. I opened the box, inside It was a smaller glass box carefully wrapped. I opened the smaller box and inside was a small bunch of dandelions and a carefully folded note. I unfolded the note and started to read it out loud

"Dear Draco, Don't come looking for me I'm not here. But someone near you loves you dear. Don't panic for it is true, the person you love doesn't hate you. Though many argue about your life, this person never judged the strife. In time you will see, this love was meant to be. Let the dandelions be a sign that your true loves journey begins tonight. At Hogwarts, the hunt begins, to look for love through thick and thin. Oh, Draco Malfoy soon you'll see, you're not alone and you are loved like anything."

After I finished reading the note I reread it a couple of times in my head as Pansy watched me. "Drake, are you okay? Maybe it's a prank. Dray, please don't take this too seriously. We are here to finish school and get on with our lives. Not start a new adventure. We can start over Draco, try to be better. I want to look ahead, not go back, not ever. Let's get through this year with a fresh start." I looked at Pansy and smiled, she was right. This year would be great.

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