CHAPTER 6! she couldn't image not being his friend

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she took her unfortunately assigned seat beside adrien. the blond seemed even more annoyed at her presence than usual.

nino had his headphones in, so he wasn't paying attention. everybody else was focused on the board.

"good morning, adrien!" cherry grinned, her voice seeming to hide laughter.

"have you ever had a good morning in your life?" adrien questioned her, with a blank expression.

"not when i'm around you. i see you're perfectly dressed for this class! cute lab coat." cherry motioned to the boy's collared shirt he wearing, for some reason, over another shirt.

adrien looked down at his outfit.

he didn't see anything wrong with it. was it so bad he didn't wake up as early as she did to get ready?

every morning when he got up, he could see her doing her makeup through the open window of her bedroom.

he wasn't trying to stare, she was just always there!

"i don't know if you could afford this lab coat. wanna compare funds?" adrien reached for his phone.

"i make more money than you." cherry glared at him. "who styles you? you're wearing orange converse. i know you disappoint your dad everyday."

"when was the last time you talked to your dad?"

"this morning! don't get mad at me me because your dad misses your scheduled dinners."

"you're evil."

"not having a good morning?"

adrien's expression was bitter.

nino pulled his headphones off, and greeted the girl on the other side of his friend.

god, adrien hated how much everybody adored her, but if he ever made a comment about it, or outwardly acted the way he did around her when they were alone, his reputation would be damaged.

"nathaniel! what are you drawing?" ms. mendeleiev called out to him, from the front of the classroom.

"what?" nathaniel questioned, looking up.

"these artistic endeavours are clearly why you are failing science!"

"i'm sorry."

"you go march yourself down to the principal's office and show him that chicken scratch! then you'll be really sorry!"

cherry winced. was it hypocritical to not like it when other people were mean? definitely.

nathaniel was a sweetheart. he'd never been anything but nice, and cherry knew he was probably really embarrassed to have all the attention on him.

𝗢𝗡𝗖𝗘 𝗠𝗢𝗥𝗘 𝗧𝗢 𝗦𝗘𝗘 𝗬𝗢𝗨! adrien agresteWhere stories live. Discover now