HC 3 - She Will Kill Me Herself

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Mordecai's POV

I was clutching my chest as I stood in the bathroom. The pain was searing throughout my chest, and I didn't even have it in me to actually scream out or anything. All I could do was breathe heavily and take it. I didn't even know what was going on around me.

When I opened my eyes, Nellie and what's her face were looking down at me. Nellie looked really worried, while what's her face looked terrified. I didn't understand why, until I realized that I was laying on the bathroom floor.

"What happened?" I groaned as I got up.

"Poppy here says she heard a crash coming from here and when she got here, you were passed out. She came to get me," Nellie explained.


That's what 'what's her face's' name is.

"I'm fine," I mumbled as I walked back into my room.

"Uhm Poppy, I think it's best you leave. As you can see, Mr Hart needs to rest," Nellie told the girl.

"He'll call me though right?" whatever her name is asked.

"Uh, sure," Nellie said. I didn't expect the sudden kiss placed on my lips.

"I'll be waiting for that call," she purred before grabbing her stuff and leaving.

"Poor delusional girl," Nellie sighed.

"Please don't," I pleaded, knowing what was coming from a mile away.

"Don't what Kai?" she crossed her arms.

"Don't this," I signalled to the position she was standing in.

"Alright! I guess you'd rather have Judith do 'this'," she smirked.

"Oh God no please!" I murmured.

"Exactly! Kai, you need to go and see a doctor about this," she sighed.

"No, I don't! Doctors will just tell me shit I don't want to know," I shook my head.

"So you'd rather die on us then?" she raised an eyebrow.

"I'm not doing any dying, so you can calm down," I rolled my eyes.

"How you manage to convince yourself that you're fine every time is beyond me," she said before leaving the room.

I just didn't want to go to a doctor, plain and simple. Call it fear or whatever; I just wasn't up for being told that I can't do what I love anymore. I'm only twenty nine years old, and my career is at its highest peak.

I'm not about to give into any sickness of any sort.

I checked the time and found that it was seven in the morning. I couldn't remember much of what I'd done the night before, but I knew a party was involved because of a) the aching in my bones, b) a pair of my party pants was on the ground and c) I had a hangover of note.

I groggily made my way downstairs, all the way to the lounge. By the time I made it to the couch, I felt like I'd run around the entire state of California. I wanted nothing to do with anything, and of course my lovely helper knew this as she opened ALL of the curtains to let the sunshine in.

And I thought that was the worst she could do!

"Why? Why would you clank pots? Why do you hate me so much?" I groaned.

"Because I told you not to go to that party and what did you do? You snuck out! So suck it!" she replied as she continued to clank the pots together.

House Call (Wattys 2015) - ExcerptWhere stories live. Discover now