[Chapter One]

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A/N: So hey people who decided to read this fic, wanna say thanks for giving this fic a chance and all! So, I want to make this a long story, but I'll be honest, I mostly write for fun, I prefer reading fics over writing. This story idea was in my head for so long and I wanted to actually publish it after finishing it, but knowing myself that's going to be impossible and I really didn't want this story to stay in my drafts forever. I want other people to read it, even if it's currently incomplete, and who knows when it's actually gonna be finished, even though I have so many ideas for it, it's kinda hard to write everything into a story. Now, without any further rambling, you can start reading. Good luck and to those who don't enjoy it, don't worry, you don't have to force yourselves! Sorry for any grammatical errors.

You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending. –C.S.Lewis.

[Chapter One]

It was a quiet day in Italy, the day was going on normally, especially in the Vongola mansion, no explosions or yelling were there, and that's how it has been for a long time, but this peace wouldn't last for so long, not when the boss has already decided the next boss for their famiglia.

"You want me to go to Japan to tutor a civilian?" A small figure asked, looking through a file in their hand.

"Well, Yeah," The current leader of the Vongola replied, "This civilian is actually Iemitsu's child, thus the direct descendant of Primo and since there are no more... heirs, I request you tutor Iemitsu's child."

The small figure nodded, flipping through the file, showing all the information on his soon-to-be-student, "Is this 'Sawada Tsunayoshi' aware of the mafia?"

The old boss shook his head, "No, Young Tsunayoshi-kun doesn't know about the mafia; however you can inform him of anything that you think he should know."

"Hmm..." The small figured hummed, "Alright, I'll do this."

The elder man smiled gratefully at the figure, "I'm grateful for your help, Reborn."

The now identified 'Reborn', smirked, pulling on his fedora, "Of course, so rest reassured, Nono, this greatest hit-man will turn this new student of mine into a great mafia boss."

"I'm sure."

And with that the number one hit-man turned around and left the room.

A few moments after the dismissal of the hit-man, Nono spoke up, "Are you sure Iemitsu? Don't you want to inform Reborn of the truth regarding your child?"

The man, 'Iemitsu', came out of his hiding spot, laughing, "Nah, this serves as a nice prank!"

Nono sighed and messaged his head, 'Forgive me, old friend, and good luck,' he thought.


A young teen couldn't help but shiver, feeling an upcoming headache, 'I have a bad feeling...'

"Tsu-chan? Are you alright?" a gentle voice asked.

'Tsu-chan' looked up at the person who spoke, smiling gently at the elder women, "Hai, Okaa-san."

The mother smiled back at her child, "Alright, Tsu-chan, by the way you should hurry up, don't wanna be late to school."

The teen nodded, getting up heading towards their room to get ready.

The mother looked at her child's figure, 'You're so grown up now Tsu-chan...' she couldn't help but feel nostalgic, 'I wish your father could see you like this,' this seems to remind her of something, "Oh! Tsu-chan!!" she called out.

"Yeah?" her child shouted back.

"I talked with your father recently; he said that he's sending a tutor for you!"

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