It's So Cold

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Dec 17, 2020

I have never been the social type. I enjoy basking in the quiet nature of reading a book or writing poetry of sorts. Something about being alone was peaceful, even calming. Though one could only be alone for so long. I lived alone, in a nice apartment that I had gotten for practically nothing. Though I couldn't doubt how sketchy the neighborhood had seemed. No one ever seemed to leave their homes, and if they did, I was never there to see it. Even the stores were empty, only a lone self checkout accompanied me in the small shop. You would think that they would have employees to stock the shelves and make sure nothing is stolen, but I never see them. The store is restocked everytime I go and always seems to have what I need. Perhaps the people in this town enjoy the silence as well.

Dec 18, 2020

I went to the park today. It was a cold day out, but no rain fell, and no snowflakes plastered my old jacket. I had brought a few slices of stale bread with me, to feed the few ducks that waded among the cold water. Poor things, they looked all skin and bones. Surely some of the other residences fed them as well? In times as cold as these ones, the ducks would need to stay fat and warm. Tomorrow I'll bring extra.

Dec 19, 2020

Staying home today, the cold was getting to me. I had the sniffles and didn't wish to go back into the cold claws of winter. I cuddled up with a heated blanket and read a book. It was nice. My heated blanket stopped working. It feels freezing. I wonder where the heater is? It's cold, but I'll live.

Dec 20, 2020

I didn't sleep well last night. Usually the cold puts me out like a light, but the piercing frost stabbed me hard. I ate some chicken noodle soup, it was lukewarm but better than nothing. I hope spring comes early this year.

Dec 21, 2020
Christmas is coming soon, though the town never decorated. Perhaps they will do it Christmas Eve? I strung up a few lights, it makes the town look a little more festive.

Dec 22, 2020

Snow still hasn't come. If it's going to be this cold at least give me a reason!

Dec 23, 2020

My cold hasn't subsided. I barfed this morning. I think I caught something nasty, maybe something from the ducks?

Dec 24, 2020

My phone's audio stopped working. All I hear is silence. It's not pleasant.

Dec 25, 2020

The silence is starting to get to me. All my devices and electricity have stopped working. I should talk to someone about this. It's so cold.

Dec 26, 2020

I can't find anyone. I got bold today. Not bold, desperate. I tried knocking on people's doors to see if anyone else is having the same problems. I broke someone's window. No one is ever home.

Dec 26, 2020

I've been eating the stale bread that I was saving for the ducks. I'm too exhausted to go to the store today. I don't have money anyway. There's no jobs in this whole entire town! Sorry, ducks.

Dec 27, 2020
I saw a figure outside today. I got some hope that I'm not the only person in town. I would go outside to talk to them but I can barely get up anyways.

Dec 28, 2020

I tried to call a hospital, but I have no service or wifi. I can barely move my hands and I'm running out of bread. It's so cold.

Dec 29, 2020

At Least I can still write. My hands are so numb, are my eyes playing tricks on me or are they actually blue?

Dec 30, 2020

The ducks have probably starved by now. Poor things. But I'll see them again very soon. I don't want it to be that soon. I need to get out of here.

December 31, 2020

What is this place? I should've never come here! I stole food from the store and no one was there to stop me. I need to leave now!


It's so cold

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2020 ⏰

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