Chapter 1

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The days at Rao's corporation weren't happy when Vikram, the CFO visited the place instead of his dad. He visited the business to blast the staff. The employees prayed not to meet him.
"Hey see. It's the new intern's day today," a staff member alerted his colleagues.
"He is gonna be ripped today," bet one of his colleagues. The other colleague pitied the new trainee, "He had just started working here."
"We should've warned him," another employee regretted genuinely. "We knew that Vikram is the worst."
"If it isn't the good pay here, I would have bid my farewell," added another.

Within a few minutes, the staff heard the shouts of Vikram which left them stunned. He created mayhem inside the cabin by throwing whatever item was available on his table. The staff peeked inside the cabin through the window and saw a frightened trainee glued onto the cabin door.
"He is gonna get PTSD," announced a lady to the gathering. "I wonder how Vikram doesn't get a heart attack while shouting!"

"Thank god! I am not in that position," said a guy in a relieved tone. His friend cleared his throat, "That day isn't too far too."

"You will face him before me," countered his friend and soon everyone started to discuss who was next to hear the tantrum of Vikram. They didn't notice their boss, Sooraj in their workplace. 

"What is happening here?" The older guy daunted the group with his authoritative voice. He might be sixty but his charisma looked like a forty-year-old man.

"Am I not audible?" Sooraj questioned them when they didn't reply.  The employees didn't anticipate his presence while Vikram was present to supervise the business. They couldn't complain about his maniac son. They moved backwards for Sooraj to have a peek inside Vikram's cabin. He was astounded to witness his son in his worst state.

"Oh god!" Sooraj exclaimed in front of the staff. The anger of his son reached new heights for a few days and the old man felt helpless in managing him. He ordered his employees to resume their work.

The staff had to forget whatever happened because of Vikram as their salaries were important. When Sooraj was sure that each of the employees resumed their duty, he entered the cabin of Vikram.

As soon as the cabin door opened, the intern escaped out of the lion's den.

"What the hell happened here?" Sooraj whispered, pitying the staff. Vikram threw the last set of papers that he held in his hands and panted for breath. Sooraj was frightened by his pumping chest and red face.

The son whom he faced as a cool dude was nowhere to be found.
"Why are you behaving mercilessly?" Sooraj shook Vikram with his suit. Vikram pushed the hands of his dad and ate anti-depressant tablets from the table drawer. He walked inside the cabin, taking in deep breaths before he could answer.

"It was nothing," Vikram grunted in a thick voice. He didn't like Sooraj meddling with his life. But his dad knew that Vikram was channelling his anger on innocent employees. Sooraj looked at his son and said, "You need not be grumpy with every person. You have to trust our employees instead of disrespecting them."

Vikram laughed maniacally, "This intern doesn't even know me. He made me wait at the parking lot because of his expired, old scooter. I showed him the real boss."

Sooraj couldn't believe his words, "You have lost your mind. Is it just for a spot in the parking lot?" He started to develop headaches because of his stupid son, "That guy depends on the monthly salary that you give. Still, you compare yourself with that guy."

Vikram blinked at his dad.

Sooraj slumped on the couch, adjacent to the table, "Did you understand how ego shrunk your mind? Our employees would laugh their hearts out if they heard your comparison."

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