Chapter 29

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Vikram stood inside the familiar walls that years of memories and stories within. As he stepped inside, the air was filled with a blend of nostalgia and anticipation. Vikram's heart raced, wondering how his family would receive him after three long years. He cast a glance at his wife, who offered him an encouraging smile.
"You came back?" Sooraj found himself in awe when Vikram and Madhu reached his home. He was thrilled to meet Madhu and Vikram at his home. The years melted away in that instant, and Vikram felt a deep sense of belonging to the place.
"Yes," Vikram said sternly. "We are going to be here."
"Welcome back, both of you," Sooraj said emotionally. "This house lacked life after the death of Pallavi. I've missed having fun."
Rati cleared her throat dramatically, drawing everyone's attention. "Well, well, look who's decided to grace us with their presence. I thought you might be busy in a high tea with the American president."
Vikram snorted at her, "I know that you would have missed me to the moon."
Rati agreed, "I've been shedding tears every night in your anticipation. I even watched a few sentimental scenes to cry perfectly."
Vikram laughed, "Perfect schedule for an idle woman like you."
The room erupted in laughter. Their banter brought light to the gloomy room. As they settled into the cosy living room, Niyati had a contented sigh, "You have no idea how much we have wished for this day, Madhu. We parted ways on such a sour note and all these years, I've longed for one chance to make things right."
Vikram looked at them and said with a trembling voice. "When you doubted my intentions and mom.... took her life... I couldn't meet you anymore."
Madhu patted him on the back.
Vikram's father's eyes softened, "At that time I was furious about the loss, financially and personally. Now, time has healed me a lot. Maybe I shouldn't have doubted my blood. I am sorry."
Vikram ran and pursed the feet of his dad, begging for forgiveness.
Sooraj lifted his son, "Vikram, even though there is nothing to prove, I understand that you are innocent. You have brought Madhu back which means that you have taken your life seriously. I trust you."
Grandmom clapped her hands, "Well, isn't this a touching reunion? Makes me want to shed a tear or two."
Vikram commented, "You are already blind. Don't let tears fog your vision."
Grandmom waved a dismissive hand. "Oh, I save my tears for special occasions, like when I run out of ice cream."
Vikram felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude for his family—his father's embrace, his wife's support, his sister's merry and his grandmom's wit.
Vikram agreed, "Dad. I've missed this place, and I've missed all of you."
Grandmom chimed in, "Well, it seems like a season of sentimentality. Someone, pass me the tissues!"

In the quiet embrace of his room, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Vikram's worries weighed heavily on his shoulders. Meeting Karishma again churned his memories. Her past attempts to disrupt his business and life had left him apprehensive about the future. Madhu knew that he was zoned out for the past thirty minutes.
"Vikram," she called for him in a soothing tone, "Everything is set now. You still seem to be worried."
"Karishma," he whispered.
Madhu sat beside him, "I know that you've been carrying this burden of the past with you. We're a team and I'll always be your strongest supporter, be it after our divorce too."
"You are calming my fears," Vikram admitted, a faint smile gracing his lips. "When I look back at what I went through, I realise that I can't tackle my problems alone."
Madhu smiled, "We all need some shoulder, Vikram. If Krish is there outside, I will be your friend inside the home. Our connection is rooted in deep friendship." 
As Vikram listened to his wife's words, he felt a sense of reassurance settled within him. The bond they shared wasn't a romantic one but it was trust.
"I have to thank you for standing beside me even though it's for the inheritance," Vikram acknowledged. "I remember when I faced that major setback in my life a few years ago. You are here to bring my happiness back."
His wife's eyes gleamed with pride. "You don't seem to regret this marriage now."
Vikram's mind wandered, "I must say yes."
Madhu smiled at him, " When you trust Madhu, I will save you from crocodiles too."
A genuine smile tugged at the corners of Vikram's mouth. "I'm grateful for your help but I guess you will be the one to feed me to crocodiles."
"That's because I want to make you a good person," she replied calmly. "I have to worry about the crocodiles, not you."
Vikram pouted at her.
"I need to be ready for tomorrow's work," she said, checking for good outfits.
“Aren't you tired of travelling? Don't create noise. I have to sleep," he complained to her. She threw a pillow at him, "Don't be lazy, Grandpa. You too are coming to the hospital tomorrow."
"I don't know...." he hesitated.
Madhu scowled at him, “You talked like a film hero to your dad. Why are you backing off now?"
"It was a spur of the moment, I guess," he shrugged. "I don't want to be the talk of the hospital now..."
"You need not worry about others," she advised him. "If you went once a week in the past, you will look like a dedicated man for your regular attendance."
"I have a startup," he opposed. "What would my employees do?"
"You can transfer them to the hospital," she said. "How many employees are working?"
"Seven," he told and gulped.
She passed a monstrous laugh at him.
"It's good that you both came back," Niyati said, holding an ice cream tray. Madhu was flabbergasted to meet Niyati in her bedroom who happened to serve her ice cream.
"Niyati, is everything okay?" Madhu finally broke the silence, concern lacing her voice. "You seem a bit changed."
Niyati sat cross-legged on her bed and ate a spoonful of ice cream from the tub. The soft glow of her bedside lamp illuminated the room, casting a warm, gentle light on her features.
She had a thoughtful expression, "I need to speak about an important thing."
Madhu took a deep breath and looked at Niyati, "Is something bugging your mind?" 
Niyati gathered her courage, "I think I have feelings for Krish."
Madhu was surprised, "Krish? Since when?" She supposed that Niyati too would have been a close friend of Krish.
Niyati nodded, "I realised that I have feelings for him lately. I can't help how I feel about him."
Madhu shrugged, "I have been in this family for a month now. Don't you think I am not the correct person to share this with?"
"No," Niyati debated. "If mum was alive, I would have told her."
Madhu's expression softened as she looked at Niyati. "I understand your feelings, Niyati. But, you need to know that Krish is careless too. He's charming, I agree but sometimes he is less sincere."
Niyati's face fell, "I know. He posts pictures with random women and I can't stand it. My heart pounds every time he speaks about sleeping with another woman."
Madhu sighed.
Niyati resumed, "He is charming but at times, he lacks purpose. He jumps from one thing to another, never really committing to anything. And he's a known flirt."
Madhu tightened her grip around the ice cream tub. She had never seen Krish directly that way but he behaved rudely before their marriage.
"I've also seen him differently. Do you know? His parents were killed by some thieves. He promised to save innocent lives in every way possible. So, he became a cop," Niyati informed. 
Madhu widened her eyes at the news.
"He had also been a supporter to me when Mum died," Niyati added. "He was there when Vikram wasn't."
Madhu gently placed a hand on Niyati's, offering her a warm smile. "I'm not telling him to be bad. I am nobody to judge him. I'm just asking you to be a little cautious. Sometimes people can be different when it comes to relationships."
Niyati looked down at her lap, a mix of emotions swirling within her. "It's not like I'm blind to his flaws, but I believe there's more to him than what meets the eye."
Madhu nodded, her eyes softening with understanding. "I'm not asking you to ignore your feelings, Niyati. Just take your time and get to know him better. Make sure he's worthy of the love you're willing to give."
Niyati nodded slowly, a determined glint in her eyes. "I will wait."
"Did you tell Vikram?" Madhu asked her.
Niyati smiled bitterly, "Just because he came here, I can't value him. I need to see how he behaves to trust him."
Madhu shrugged, "If you can trust Krish, you can trust his friend too. They are pretty similar."
Niyati smiled, "You are like my sister. I can't trust your husband. Sorry."
They sat in silence for a moment, each lost in their thoughts. The weight of the conversation hung in the air, but it felt like a step towards understanding and acceptance.
Madhu said softly, "Love is a beautiful thing but it should be reciprocated genuinely. Use your brain too."
Niyati nodded, "I will take things slow."
Madhu smiled warmly, a sense of pride evident in her gaze.
With their hearts unburdened, Niyati and Madhu continued to enjoy their ice cream. Madhu wanted to fix the siblings first and have a talk with Krish.

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