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  • Loki Misses the Asgardian Prison System
    103K 6.4K 200

    The Allfather has run out of options. Loki has made a fool of him and a fool of his realm one too many times. If he won't stay in his prison on Asgard, maybe he'll fare better stuck in Stark Tower. (Needless to say, Tony doesn't like that idea. He calls in a few friends for help.) {Cover by @kozkaboi}

  • Loki oneshots
    12.9K 276 44

    This was originally supposed to be mostly Loki series oneshots but it's now really just kinda everything Marvel, and the only reason I haven't changed the name is that I like the cover (but Loki really is in most of them). cover by the legend themself @cant-we-be-seventeen

  • Still Holding On
    37.9K 2.5K 72

    "I have built dozens of holes in this plan," Loki hisses. "Find them." When Loki tries to sabotage his own plan, the only reasonable explanation Tony can think of is that he wants to go back to Asgard, and that alone is more than enough reason to keep him on Earth. Tony reluctantly agrees to keep Loki in Stark Tower j...

  • Broken Beyond Repair
    3.9K 271 15

    Loki had committed treason on a level Asgard had never seen. He would not be welcome back to his home realm. He would remain at the mercy of those he tried to control: the humans, SHIELD, and, of course, HYDRA. By the time the Avengers come knocking HYDRA's door, Loki's long gone in every sense but the physical. Fort...

  • Loki's New Endgame
    4.1K 222 10

    When the Tesseract lands at Loki's feet, he knows he should take it and run, but curiosity gets the better of him. He just has to know why there are two Tony Starks walking around Stark Tower. Cover by the wonderful Carry_On_Waywards

  • Not Who I Thought He Was
    1.3K 97 4

    Loki faked his death. Again. After his mother died, there was nothing to keep him in Asgard, so when Thor unknowingly gave him this chance, he took it without hesitation. Life on Midgard is lonely and mind-numbingly boring, but he would choose it every time over the alternatives: life imprisonment in the dungeon, or...

  • Loki Thanosson
    235 19 2

    Loki died years ago. He fell from the Bifrost and he died. So how is he here now, weeping into Thanos's corpse?

  • Watching Your Shattered Edges Glisten
    1.1K 88 9

    Natasha's training didn't account for this. For gods. For beings so powerful, they could tear the world apart with their bare hands, yet they still crave more. They always crave more. (a Loki x Natasha Romanoff fic)

  • Who's Been Messing Up Everything? Loki and Sylvie are Determined to Find Out.
    1K 76 11

    They were supposed to find peace. That was the deal. He Who Remains could do his thing, and Loki and Sylvie could take their friends and live out their days on Midgard. They would get their apple-pie life. Then the world turns black and white, Mobius and Hunter B-15 become completely different people overnight, and Lo...

  • Unlikely Allies
    277 14 9

    All Loki wanted when he escaped that godforsaken interrogation room was to find the Tesseract and use it to finish what he started. Now he's stuck working with Thor's human ex and an obnoxiously cheerful middle-aged man to catch another version of himself who could quite literally be at any time and any place in the...

  • Second Chances
    3.3K 120 14

    Loki's been given a second chance, and he's not going to waste it. When He Who Remains offered Loki and Sylvie their supposed dream lives, they'd scoffed at the idea. Instead, they chose to insert themselves into the Sacred Timeline in their own way (with Mobius, too, of course). And that's how they ended up here in...

  • Loki and the Pirate Fairy
    878 29 9

    Loki had a lot of fun on Midgard, but, like all things in life, his time as a pirate has finally come to an end. Retiring his "Captain James Hook" moniker, he returns to Asgard, where he suspects it will be business as usual. When he catches sight of his little winged stowaway, he realizes that may not be the case aft...

  • I Guess You'll Do
    179 19 2

    Natasha doesn't get it. She knows Steve likes her, and Steve knows she likes him. So why hasn't he made his move yet? She can only nudge him in the right direction so many times before his inaction starts to feel intentional. Loki just smirks. "Have you tried making him jealous?" *** some sexual content***
