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  • atyd
    5.4K 68 28

    not my story

  • Dorlene Love Story
    517 20 5

    stories of Dorcas Meadowes and Marlene McKinnon, their love.

  • Grey Eyes // Wolfstar
    162K 6.3K 9

    As Remus Lupin moves through his sixth year at Hogwarts, he is forced to face some difficult truths. Is being true to himself worth sacrificing his friendships?

  • All the young dudes
    104K 1.2K 15

    THIS IS NOT MY STORY it can be found on A03 All the younger dudes Gamesformay The art work isn't mine unless I say otherwise

  • gender fluid sirius black | the art of drowning | wolfstar
    4.1K 197 9

    no thoughts, just genderfluid sirius black :) ~ "ad astra per aspera" : : "to the stars through difficulties"

  • Genderfluid // Wolfstar
    49.9K 2.2K 5

    Sirius wore pronouns like one might wear a coat. Easily slipped on. Easily slipped off. Traded in when it stopped fitting or serving its purpose. . Genderfluid!Sirius and the time and trials of figuring out who they are. Wolfstar and Jily later on.
