Chapter 1

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My name will not be necessary, for it varies all the time and by giving you my name I will only but give you confusion. Never look too deeply, never think too much but rather just look in front of you for may trip up on even the smallest of pebbles.

Mankind is cruel and blind and corrupt, they turn a blind eye to the big but open their eyes widely for the small, it's their way of life. So how do you solve an issue like this? How will you unimportant It make a change to something far beyond your reach? Well if you came to this book looking for answers then close it immediately for in this book, you will not find them nor will you find a resolution but one thing that I can guarantee you will find is yourself...

Your solution, your way around things and you will do so by allowing yourself to enter into a mindset- which is not your own. So young sir, old sir, young woman, old woman, boy, girl in the time in which this lesson lays in between your hands I shall ask of you to strip away your identity and become It, whatever It may be and if you do not yet know what It is then hopefully you will find It and then my fellow It you have found the answer to all your questions.

For now allow me to tell you my story in the hope that you will find yours.

I am an It of many forms here I am as one oh but no look look here I am as another. Confuse the enemy, the blind enemy because believe me they can't see as much as you think they can but rather only what you let them see and because of this weakness of theirs I can be Carol or Ali maybe Dejaun or Richard and they, sorry no one will ever know which is the real me.

Some may call this deceit or think my life is all but a lie but I call it art and if you do not see that, let's see by the time we get to a number three, then you are unfortunately a member of their body not ours and this lesson won't teach you much, in fact you might as well stop reading this return it to the library, remove it from your reading list or take it back to the shops for a refund, well I hope you get your money back.

But for the rest of you willing few, listen closely allow me to become a voice inside your head, a picture in your eyes, allow my voice to become a vision and then eventually becomee a reality and don't miss a thing for remember the pebble could be anywhere...

You may think corruption is a new thing, which has only recently begun but I can tell you differently for corruption has been here right from the very start of development so no I don't mean the Big Bang or Adam and Eve but rather as soon as we found ourselves to be more than just a breathing chunk of meat that only need the bare minimum. It was surviving, not living. But the moment we found the word more, all we have ever wanted was more. We went from planks of old wood over our heads, to well made structured brick over our heads. They call it development and I agree however, with progress came inequality. Oh you man of colour are not worthy, oh you mother alone you are not worthy, oh you poor are not worthy. This is not just about racial inequality as I have seen white alone mothers and white poor men and women, this is about gain. Their gain. You can't fight fire with fire they say, however, that example means naught, as we are not all like burning fires so why use it as a reference they are hypocrites saying that a life like mine is nothing but a lie but yet the inspirational quotes their heroes use make no sense and don't meet the standards of logic . You can not attempt to paint a picture of the sky if your reference is the ground. So I do not compare we to a fire but rather to ourselves because life is our reference and life has proven than you can not fight a man with a gun if you have nothing but a pair of fists. It's simple arithmetic... you interpret that quote however you like for by the end of this two friends may have read this, but two friends may not see this.

Let's begin by creating It a story and there is no way to start a tale but with the words once upon a time. So once upon a time, we take the form of a privileged, young man of the name Stuart Harrdding we take this form from a real life reference( whatever real means to you)... multimillionaire. Check. Oh but wait did we really almost forget the world is blind to those who are high, so let's make it multibillionaire. Check. Become a stereotype. Check. And finally creating our character profile so to have everything from a social media page to a Wikipedia page and even several forms of ID but the most important thing to have is true belief within yourself, as convincing yourself will be the hardest part of the process, for if you were nobody before then you can become anybody and that is step 1, embodying your character, complete!

Next have very few friends that you are more than certain you can fully trust and if that kind of a thing is non existent then so be it make friends for Stuart and then once he is gone so will all the hassle that came with him. So for those of you who are still stuck in the tunnel you should have left after the first paragraph, if Stuart isn't real, but everyone believes he is how will they ever catch him if they don't even know who they are trying to catch... Stuart? Who is Stuart? My name is Mustafa Islam.
See step number 2, getting caught, never really was an issue. So let's move onto Stuart's task!

Hi guys it's the author here! I hope you enjoyed chapter 1 if so make sure to leave a comment, share and vote 🥰,,

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2021 ⏰

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