Chapter 30

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(A/N: The big 30! Above is a general idea of what I imagine Mason to look like to clear up the confusion. Mark looks like, for the most part, a basic white man so I didn't see the point. Now, please enjoy.)

Chapter 30: Hands-On Experience

Sometimes, when Mason looked in the mirror, he thought about the other people who looked like him. His mind brought up those in Asia or the Middle East, surrounded by culture and people that they could claim without fear or uncertainty. He thought of some in other countries around the world who had emigrated and adopted a culture different from home. Then he thought of other middle eastern kids like him who grew up in a family that looked nothing like them.

He wondered if those distant relatives who didn't know how he was doing would be proud of who he'd become. He wondered if they'd be happy that every single day, he came closer to becoming a nurse and closer to helping people in a way he'd always dreamed.

But then, there were other days when he wondered if they wouldn't accept him because he doesn't act like them. Or really, he doesn't know how to act like them. It was that guilt that pushed Mason to learn more. His parents were amazing and taught him so much, but they could never teach him how to walk into a room full of Yemeni people and relate to them. The sheer thought of all that Mason didn't know nearly paralyzed him in fear.

Mason let out a lard whooshing breath, trying to move his thoughts away from such negative thoughts. He could have an identity crisis on any other day. But today, he was getting the experience of a lifetime. At least he thought it was.

"On Wednesday, you will be shadowing nurses." Mrs. Lorraine had announced to her excited group. "I've worked with several different clinics in the cities to try to find each of you a nurse closest to where you live. A couple of you will have to shadow the same person but most of you will shadow them alone."

Mason could hardly contain his excitement. His smile stretched from ear to ear and he kept shooting Mark eager looks.

"So today, we will be going over the etiquette and code of conduct you'll have to follow two days from now. These are real patients so you must know how to act professionally and safely."

Mason had never been more attentive than he was that day. Every word that came out of Mrs. Lorraine's mouth was copied down into Mason's notes. Nothing Mark did could distract Mason from his task--to Mark's frustration. And yesterday, most of Mason's time was dedicated to going over the procedures Mrs. Lorraine taught them.

Now, for the first time since they started this nursing course, Mason wouldn't be seeing Mark. They lived too far away from each other to go to the same clinic, so Mason would be going alone.

Mason was pleased when he got to the small clinic within half an hour. The place was incredibly close and Mason recognized the area once he got there. It was where he liked to buy Asian snacks, including the few middle eastern ones he'd found online.

The area was currently quite dead though. It wasn't even eight in the morning yet so the small clinic was empty when Mason walked in. A white man possibly approaching 30 had his elbow on the reception desk, using his phone. Mason felt a bit awkward bothering the man but had no choice, there was no one else there.

"Uh, excuse me?" Mason asked timidly after clearing his throat. The man's head shot up, revealing large eyes and a crooked smile. "I'm here with the Adam's Nursing Intensive. I'm supposed to be shadowing, uh, Halima Muhammad. Where should I go?"

"Yes, we were told you were coming today." The man confirmed, a friendly smile on his face. "Come with me, I'll show you where her room is."

Mason's right hand played with the keys he had in his pocket as he waited for the receptionist to get out from behind the desk. Mason followed the man with small steps, a bit shrunken into himself as he scanned the place. The front door had opened up to a room with only enough space to hold the seven chairs lining the wall and allow a person to walk by those chairs without imposing on someone's personal space. So, you were immediately drawn to the welcome desk where, on either side of it, there was a corridor.

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