Chapter 4: Thanatos Organization

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"We are 20 miles away from Erether and 10 kilometers away from our headquarters so it wouldn't take us too long before we arrive at our destination," Azer said as I looked around and saw vehicles that came out of the portals that stood in different spots.

If we have headquarters outside the border, so even before then, some of the members of the organization live here without Erether knowing about it, or if Erether knew, maybe they just don't care about it. I guess that's why the people are willing to join us because they could have the chance to live outside the border and need not worry about being part of the subjects of the scientists or worrying about experiencing Erether's cruelty again.

We drove for nearly an hour because the road was either blocked by countless ruined buildings or it was just so bumpy. When we arrived at the headquarters, the council members of the organization welcomed all the members attending the assembly. All groups from each of the 52 regions filled the headquarters with vehicles and their presence, tightly packed inside the territory of Thanatos. All twenty-six leaders, each of them leading two regions, took their step toward where the council members were, including Azer.

The Thanatos Organization exceeded almost five thousand members in total and if we're gonna be accurate in numbers, counting the people who are here, we are at least three thousand filling in the huge territory. The territory doesn't have boundaries to keep the people from outside trespassing the headquarters because as I've said, people can't get out of Erether.

There were camps everywhere, tents, huts, cottages, and some occupied buildings that could still be in use. The headquarters is practically like a campsite or a boot camp or something. Jonah was the one who toured me around while Azer was busy talking with the council members. There is a huge tent that serves as the clinic, shelters for those who are not members of the organization, and a huge dining place in the middle of the territory with lots of chairs and long tables. There are even crop fields, large enough to provide all the members of the organization who are staying here. It's practically a haven for us, something that I have always wanted. It's such a shame that it's only that I have seen this place.

After the short tour around the territory, I went back to the parking space, leaning on the bumper of our vehicle and observing the largest tent from afar. I saw Azer and the council members coming inside that tent and I reckon it belongs to the leader of the organization.

I felt Jonah's steps coming towards me and I spoke.

"Who do you think is the mage among the organization?"

"I don't know. Never met any members of the organization who is a mage." I turned to him with a frown, thinking he could answer me since he'd been part of the organization way before I joined. "It may be among the council members or the leader."

"Have you met the leader?"

"Nah. Just heard about him."

I shrug. Whoever is the mage who created that many portals to let us out of Erether, or she may be someone who has a powerful position in the organization. What I'm curious about is how this particular mage happens to join the organization. Well, he can create a portal, as many as 20 in a matter of seconds and it's highly unlikely that Erether just let the mage escape from their headquarters. If I knew any better, they would begin their research with them as creating portals is one of the rarest magic of all.

I clicked my tongue pushed back my body from the bumper and stood in front of Jonah.

"Anyway, where are we staying?"

I know this gathering is only temporary but it won't be short. If I'm right, one of the reasons why we're having this gathering is because of the case of the missing children. Or worse, there might be another reason for that. I doubt it's because the leaders want to hold a reunion amongst the members of the organization. So I reckon, the organization must have prepared a place for us to sleep

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