Dirty Imagine 1: The Huge Room-Part 2

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"No no don't start with me!" You say letting him know he won't win....

"I won once, I can win again." He smiled, winked, then crashed his lips against yours....

"No!" You yelled. You kicked/Pushed him off of you adjusted of the bed.. You started up the little staircase but Austin got a hold of you ankle making you stop..

"Come on babe, don't be like that." He said calmly... He slid on top of you and kissed you once more and you knew this one had so much passion in it....

You slid out from under him and slowly dragged yourself towards the giant closet... it was the size of an apartment!

"Come and find me then... but give me time to hide." You smiled and made your way into the closet, then shut the door... you hid on top of a counter behind some clothes that were hung up right above the counter.... You were there for like 1.35 Seconds until you heard the doorknob turning.... you slow you breathing a bit hoping he wouldn't find you, but after he closed and locked the closet door being hoo he started running his hands through all the clothes... he guys closer and closer and you know what's gonna happen...

"Found you." He said calmly as he was pushing the clothes aside...

"You Did. What would you like as your prize?" You said seductively...

"You.... and me.... real close..."

You finally decided to give him what he wanted.. You scooted out from your hiding place and wrapped you legs around his waist... Your arms around his neck.......


Haha how should this end?!? good ? bad? Funny?

le'mee knoe ;D

Part 3 up soon ;)


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