Lucky Me (An Evil!Trollex x Branch One-Shot)

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(This is set before King Trollex's world tour to take all the strings)

(One hot night in the bunker in Pop Village, Branch is tossing and turning in bed, pulled off his blanket and feeling hot in general. Suddenly, some strange figure with a fishtail looms over Branch with a grin on his face.)

???: (whispers) Struggling to sleep, I see? I don't blame you, this is a very hot bunker. Good thing where we're going, you'll be someplace cooler.

(Later on, Branch stirs to feel cool air. He unconsciously waves his hand and felt his motion go slow. He opens his eyes slowly, waking up in some unfamiliar room. He tries to get up, but something holds him down.)

Branch: (confused) Wait, what the-? Where am I and how did I get here?

(He turns to the other side to see what looks like a navy blue techno troll with green hair, rainbow arms and paint dripping from his face cuddling Branch while he's sleeping.)

???: (opens one eye) Hey babe.

Branch: (shocked) WHOA!! What the hell?! Who are you and where am I?

???: (chuckles) Aww, you think I'm going to hurt you? Nah, I don't really want to. Oh, where are my manners? I'm King Trollex of the Techno trolls. And you?

Branch: (blushes a bit) Oh me? I'm, uh, I'm Branch. And wait, techno trolls?

Trollex: You don't know?

Branch: Nope, sorry dude.

Trollex: Aw man, that sucks. Basically, there are six tribes: techno, country, classical, hard rock, funk and pop. You're a pop troll, by the way. Ever heard of the rest of us? Funk? Hard rock? Classical? Country? And us, the techno trolls?

Branch: No!

Trollex: No? Hmmm, (to himself) interesting. (To Branch) Well, not to worry. I'll tell you all about it, but do not tell anyone anything I've told you, not even your own tribe, okay?

Branch: (unsure) Uhhh, sure. Why can't I tell them about it?

Trollex: (smiles deviously) Oh, I just want them to find out for themselves, that would make it even more interesting. Say, while we talk, why don't we get a drink? Come on, let's have a drink.

Branch: (smacks his dry mouth) Sure, I guess I could use a drink. I'm pretty thirsty.

(Trollex and Branch get out of bed and walk (swimming in Trollex's case) around what looks like an LED castle. Branch became fascinated at the place.)

Trollex: Like it? It's quite a glamorous place, isn't it? I find my LED palace quite glamorous too, by the way.

Branch: Yeah, very nice place dude.

Trollex: (surprised) Dude? (Thinks for a moment before smiling again) I like it, sounds cool.

(The two trolls kept on walking/swimming down the hallway until they arrived at a very big kitchen.)

Trollex: Why don't you take a seat Branch? I'll get us a drink.

(Branch wanted to comply, but slowly walked to a stool and sat on it, waiting for Trollex to make the drinks and serve them. Branch yawned and put an elbow on an island counter and put his hand on his face. Moments later, Trollex returned with some drinks.)

Trollex: (in a sing-song voice) Oh Branchie, I'm baaaack. Whatcha thinking about here?

Branch: Hm? Oh, sorry, I was just thinking about back home, Troll Village.

Trollex: Troll Village? I don't know about that. (He fills up a cup of the drink) Is your village full of trolls like you?

Branch: (nods slowly) I think so yes.

Lucky Me (An Evil!Trollex x Branch One-Shot)Where stories live. Discover now