i love you.

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Nerea Lawrence.

The girl who everyone admired but only one person had the guts to confront. She deflects any and all emotions, is rude most of the time, and is basically a cold hearted bitch. As you can tell, I am completely infatuated with her.

My name is Lincoln Sinclair, also known as the one person with the balls to confront Nerea Lawrence. The fact that I can talk to her at all probably has something to do with the fact that she may or may not hate me. We've been kind of snippy with each other since about fourth grade, which I know what you're wondering, how can fourth graders have any good reason to not like each other?

Well, that's just the thing, as I said before, I am completely infatuated with this woman and I have been since, you guessed it, the fourth grade. And since I am a, as Nerea would say, dumbass male, when I gained my crush I decided it would be genius to tease her into liking me. You know, which always works.

So, since I essentially tormented her she, understandably so, kneed me in my prepubescent nuts. However, I have noticed that I am the only person at school she talks to. Seriously, she doesn't even answer questions in class. And, from what I've learned of her, she is currently in a foster home with dick parents who really only foster for the money, lovely people, clearly.

With that backstory, you can understand how I came to be in this situation, being followed after class by the only female I would dare to call 'asshat'. I'm very good at insults, as you can tell. She always beats me in our name calling battles. She probably doesn't think they're fun, but I like them. As long as I get to talk to her.

"Hey! Linc!" She yelled, running to me.

I turned, "Yes, gorgeous?" I grinned.

"Ew, I just wanted to ask if I could copy your notes?" She clasped her hands in a praying motion. Wow, a civil conversation. This hasn't happened in a while, let's see how long it lasts.

"Sure, but it's gonna cost you." I smirked. Five seconds, nice, last time it was three.

"Alright, dickwad, what?" She asked flatly as per usual.

"Well, buttmunch, I was hoping for a kiss, perhaps." Hopefully this works because I did not take notes. Whoops.

"Oh yeah? Where?" She raised her eyebrows. Where? What the fuck. I just tapped my cheeks. No way she does it.

She did it.

And I blushed. Like the absolute man I am.

And like the graceful woman she is, she began to cackle at what I'm sure is a very red face of mine.

"Alright, calm down, the jokes on you, I didn't take notes. Ha and ha." I chuckled.

"Damn it, Lincoln." She sighed then perked up, "what if I just wanted to do that?" She asked innocently.

"What if you wanted to kiss me? Oh, so you are human! I was beginning to think your model of robot didn't experience emotion." I stated flatly.

"I'm serious Lincoln."
"You're serious? You're serious you want to kiss me? What the fuck are you talking about Neri? You want to kiss the guy who you're convinced personally began the spread of herpes?" That one actually made me laugh when she said it.
It was less funny however due to her shouting it in the cafeteria.

She laughed, "That one was funny." she keeled over. Alright, it's not that funny.
"Would you get up and explain to me if you're joking or if you're serious right now."
She took a deep breath, looked me straight in the eyes and said, "I'm dead serious."

And I, being the gentleman I am, laughed in her face.

"You're joking. That's funny, Neri. You want me to kiss you? Okay." I calmed myself down. But I have never been more shocked than when I looked up to see her with glossy eyes and a slightly wobbly lip.

"Don't laugh at me Lincoln." She whispered.

"Oh my god, I'm sorry. I just don't understand." I walked to her and held her arms.

She threw her arms up, "Can you stop pretending like you don't know you're the most important person in my life!" She suddenly yelled.

"I'm the only person in your life! You pushed everyone else away!"

"Because I was scared!"

"Scared of what, Nerea? That someone might actually care about you for once! Well you should be terrified because I am in love with you and you know that!"

I paused. That was not what I was supposed to say. Definitely not. Bad, this is bad.

She's quiet. She's got to be freaking out. Oh my god, oh my god, oh my fucking god.

"What did you just say to me"

"Me? Oh I didn't say anything to you"
Right, like she's going to believe that. Not right after you yelled your announcement straight into her face, you dipshit.

"Don't play dumb with me right now, people with the name Lincoln are obligated to be honest"

"You're confused, the honest people are Abe not Lincoln, dumbass" Nice one.

"What the fuck are you talking about -just- what did you say" Now she wants me to repeat it? Jesus Christ, this woman. Alright, Linc, time to lose your remaining pride. Deep breaths. In. Out.

"I said I love you"

And. She. Laughed.

Pride? Dignity? Yeah right! Any number you can imagine, please do me the favor of multiplying that by one trillion and consider that the amount of bullets I'd like in my skull at the moment.

"You? You love me?" Still laughing? Great.


"You can't love me."

"I can love whoever I want. I don't give a shit. I love you. Fuck off."

"Oh that's a nice way to treat someone you love" Like you would know, you ice cube.

"Are you gonna stop deflecting anything soon or should I just leave?"


"You're obviously avoiding what I said. I never said you had to say it back but you could at least acknowledge it."

"No ones ever told me they love me before." No way.

"What about your parents?"

"Well my real parents didn't want me and my fake parents wanted the money they got from me, so no, no ones ever told me they love me."

"Well I do. I love you." Wow, okay, say it again why don't you. Maybe into a megaphone this time.

"I know. I love you too"

No. Fucking. Way.

Forget the bullets, more like butterflies.

"I'm gonna pass out."

Smooth one, Lincoln.


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