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GORGEOUS COVER DONE BY awesomeismymidname ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Blood soaks into the ground, turning the previously green grass a dark crimson.

And the carnage isn't even close to being over.

The Alpha of Red Crescent should have voluntarily surrendered his pack.

Weapons fly through the air, and I'm sure that most of them are courtesy of my four youngest siblings, who opt to stay in human form for wars so they can use their Gifts.

North, Jett, and I stay in wolf form, though I see wolves freezing solid and some burst into flames, and I know they're responsible.

I tear the head off of wolf after wolf, my senses flooded with the smell of blood and death.

A girl in human form stands in front of me, holding a sword, her hands shaking slightly. Likely her first time in battle, she couldn't be more than sixteen or so.

When I strike her wrist, she cries out in pain, dropping her weapon.

She never stood a chance against me.

Pinning down her shoulders with my arms, tears fall from her horror-stricken eyes.

I freeze.

The second-long hesitation was all another wolf needed to attack me from the side, our bodies rolling on the ground.

My claws latch into his side, but he brings his canines down to tear out my throat.

Suddenly, the weight of the wolf disappears.

I leap on to my feet and see my twin tearing off the head of the wolf that nearly just killed me.

You hesitated, he snarls at me through our mindlink.

I didn't hesitate, I growl, turning my back on him to attack other wolves. I can handle myself, North.

Mom and Dad told me to look out for you, because you clearly can't do it yourself, he retorts angrily.

Bitterness overcomes my emotions, and I see red as my skin heats up.

Instantly, my blood cools.

I wasn't going to combust! I snarl, tearing another wolf's throat out.

Focus or I order you off this battlefield, is my brother's only response as his pure white wolf clears a path, heading for the Alpha.

Their wolves brutally attack one another, but the fight is nowhere near even.

My siblings and I are stronger than normal wolves, as strong as Alphas, even without the Alpha title, due to our parents.

And North is the strongest of us all.

Because he was born first.

Because he is the Alpha of Blood Lake.

The former Alpha of Red Crescent's head rolls a few feet away from the rest of his body.

The fighting ceases, and Red Crescent wolves surrender to their new Alpha.

North's white fur is stained with blood as he opens his mouth and lets out a howl that shakes the earth.

Wolves heel and bare their necks to the Alpha of Blood Lake, submitting completely.

Everyone always submits to North.

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