Chapter One: Birthday

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On your 21st birthday, for one month, every day, for one hour, you and your soul mate switch bodies. Yes. You heard me. You fucking switch bodies! What if you're naked or taking a shower when it happens! What if you're going to the bathroom when it happens! What if you're out and about and you switch bodies and your soul mate doesn't know the way to get to your house! What if your soul mate speaks a different language or lives in a completely different country! There is a serious flaw in the system. I am not thrilled for my birthday in 4 days. I'm an over thinker, and you can bet your ass that I have thought of every bad outcome of this whole situation. First of all, I still live at home with my parents. I move out in two weeks but my soulmate doesn't know that. What happens if my soul mate thinks that's weird? Second, I'm in collage. Majoring in History, Greek Mythology to be exact, and minoring in dance. What if I switch bodies when I'm taking a test! Which, by the way, is all of next week, when I'm supposed to switch bodies! I really don't want to have to retake this semester because I switched bodies.

Let me clarify a bit. Your minds switch. Kind of like the movie Freaky Friday. So, my soul mates mind will be in my body and vice versa. God I'm so nervous. But I would be lying if I said I wasn't at least a little bit excited. I mean, I'm going to know who my soul mate is for crying out loud! I know it's still four days away but I'm already fanticising about what it will be like. Gosh I need to stop. Turning on 2! 3! By BTS, I listen to the music and do what the lyrics say.

"It's okay, Come on when I say one two three forget it. Erase all sad memories, hold my hand and smile.  Hoping for more good days. If you believe then one, two, three!"

My bias is J-Hope. I love his energy and smile! I have been an ARMY since 2014, Almost since they debued. Gosh what I would give for my soul mate to be a member of BTS it would make everything a thousand times better. They all seem so nice and caring. I wouldnt have to worry about my soulmate being in my body the whole time. Jungkook, Jin, and Taehyung have already found their soul mates, which I'm very happy about might I add, they seem to be really happy with them. And when they are happy, I'm happy. So I'm glad they found them. Anyways, since I found K-Pop, I've really grown to like Korean culture and one day want to visit Korea, so much so, that I learned Korean. I also learned Greek, because that's my major... And I learned Spanish in high school. So I'm multilingual. I like it actually. It's nice to hear people speak different languages and be able to understand them. Thinking about all of this made me really tired and before I knew it, I ended up falling asleep.

(This is a Greek goddess name. You pronounce it as pur-sef-ony)
Jolting up, I quickly realised that I has been asleep for about 3 hours as it is now dinner time. Rushing downstairs I see my mom and dad already at the table waiting to have dinner. I sat down at the table looking at what we were having for dinner.
"It's chicken pillows. Eat it."
"Do I like it?"
"Yes. Now eat."

After we finished eating dinner, we talked about my birthday. You see, your 21st birthday is like your sweet sixteen but bigger. It's a big deal! And of course, my mom being the way she is, wanted my party to be as big as turning 21 in the first place.
"So what color scheme do you want?"
My mom asked to which I playfully rolled my eyes. I don't want a big party. That's too many people and way too much socialising.
"Mom, please. Please can I just have a small party? A party with just my friends and family... Please?"
My mom looked at me a little sad, but finnaly complied.
"Fine. But we still need to sort out decorations and invitations! So back to my question, what color scheme do you want."
I chuckled at her before answering
"Purple obviously!"
I stated, and this time it was her turn to chuckle.
"How did I know?"
She replied sarcastically.
I smiled and got up.
"I'm gonna head to bed, I have to get up early tomorrow, early classes."
I said.
"Goodnight sweet heart. Love you!"
My parents said in unision.
"Love you too!"
I shouted from the top of the stairs. Heading to my room, I looked around at the messy room before me. Sighing, I changed into my pajamas, got into my comfy bed, and closed my eyes. Expecting, no, hoping, to be able to sleep. But to no avail. God I hate my insomnia. I thought. It also didn't help that I took a nap earlier today. I stared up at my ceiling for the next 4 hours. Until finally, my brain decided to be nice and let me sleep. My eyes closed and I was engulfed in darkness. No dreams. Just plain black darkness.


I just edited this chapter. All editing will be finished February 3rd 2022.

                                  (:3 っ)っ

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