Chapter 1: Introduction

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Long ago, the world was full of wonder.

A winged unicorn flew across the sky and over lush grassy hills.

It was adventurous...

Down below, a herd of centaurs ran across the fields.


The centaurs ran past a lake that had mermaids jumping up and out of it.

And best of all...

A group of pixies flew over the lake and up past a cliff where an elf mage stood.

There was magic...

"Boombastia!" The elf mage shouted, and his staff produced a series of fireworks.

And that magic helped all in need.

Up in the mountains, some gremlins were trying to start a fire, but couldn't do it. Then, a wizard came around the corner and saw they were struggling.

"Flame infernar!" The mage yelled, and produced fire for the family.


Down in a cave, a group was on a quest to gather a golden goblet. It stood on a pedestal in the center of the room, but before the warriors could reach it, a dragon blocked their path. The dragon spit fire at them, which one warrior blocked with their shield.

"Voltar Thundasir!" The wizard shouted which produced lightning that covered the dragon in a series of rocks. Allowing the warriors to obtain the goblet.


Back in the mushroom village, and elf mage was teaching a cyclops how to do magic. She demonstrated by lighting a fire inside a gnomes house. But when the cyclops tried, he accidentally set his shirt on fire. He dropped his staff and put out the fire.

But it wasn't easy to master.

When the mage picked up the fallen staff and tried to hand it back to the cyclops, he hesitated.

And so the world found a simpler way to get by.

Over in another hut, an inventor was showing off her latest invention.

"I call it the light bulb." She announced.

She pulled a switch which caused the light to turn on, earning a round of applause from everyone watching. The cyclops abandoned his staff and started flipping the switch to the light bulb.

"''Tis so easy!" He exclaimed.


Over time, magic faded away.

It was now hundreds of years later. A troll was riding his bike through a mushroom neighborhood and delivering papers, while some unicorns were digging through someone's trash.

But I hope...

In one of the mushroom houses, a phone alarm went off. A young elf boy named Ian turned it off, and slipped on a watch.

There's a little magic left...

The boy slipped on his shoes, and put on a Willowdale college sweatshirt.

In you.

He went over to his calendar and saw that today was his sixteenth birthday.


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