Chapter 10: Calm after the storm

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(Third Person Point of View)

Jonah's footsteps were fast and heavy when he finally came across Aeryn, who he had been desperately searching after she ran off. He ran towards her, sliding through the ground and quickly sitting beside her body. His mouth fell agape as he assess her. He touched her cheeks, her face quickly fallen into paleness and her skin losing its colors. He carefully laid her upper body on his lap and cupped her cheeks before softly caressing her hair. Aeryn stayed still. Not moving. Not breathing.

"A-Aeryn..." He whispered, breathless.

His hand fell into her neck to search for any pulse. He lowered down his head, closing the gap between his ear and her nose to hear her breathing. There wasn't any. No pulse. No breathing.

Aeryn had already stopped moving when he came to her side. He called her name multiple times and no response was received. He turned his head to the right and saw her blood continuously gushing out of her stab wound from her stomach. Quickly, he ripped the sleeve of his shirt and put pressure on the wound, hoping it could stop the bleeding.

"Aeryn, wake—Fuck! Wake up, Aeryn!" He pulled her closer to her and pinned her ear closer to her chest. "A-Aeryn, please don't do this to me."

There wasn't any heartbeat. He couldn't hear anything. Gulping down the lump on his throat, he held her cold hand and groan as he tried to stop his tears from falling. He grunted as he stood up and carry her body. He looked around, looking for help, and found Grim running in their direction.

"Let's go to the infirmary." The tone of his voice doesn't matter anymore even if he's talking with the leader of the organization he worked for and only thought about Aeryn. He looked directly to him, his eyes begging and desperate but tried to keep it strong inside him. "We have to hurry!"

A portal was immediately made when he saw Jonah carrying Aeryn's body. Before entering through the portal, he saw the shadow demon's ashes to the ground and realized what sacrifices did Aeryn make. He curses on his mind, knowing it was his fault that Aeryn ended up this way. He didn't think through the fact that Aeryn would possibly take the chance to fight against the shadow demon even if she would do it alone. That girl could be brave but stupid enough to kill the one who is responsible for the people's demise.

They arrived in the headquarters' infirmary and Jonah carefully laid down her body on the bed. Doctor and nurses came rushing in after Grim called them and immediately tend to Aeryn.

Jonah held his head in frustration while staring at the doctor trying to revive Aeryn and took his left foot back before letting out a heavy sigh. He began to sweat in bullets and his heartbeat so loud and fast, it beat so hard against his ribcage. His face grimaces upon stopping himself from crying and continuing to grab on his hair to feel pain somewhere else, and not on his heart. There was panic in his eyes especially while he was staring at the doctor continuously pumping Aeryn's chest and nothing ever happens.

He didn't wanna have the thoughts that involved Aeryn dying yet it was the doctor's only thoughts the moment he touch her. He wasn't sure what happened but the damage she took was so severe that no one would survive. Aside from that, there seems to be a burning line on her skin that made it look like her veins were burnt. The only plausible explanation he could think of was there was poison, so toxic it burns her as well on the inside. This girl is already dead before she even arrived here, he thought.

But he doesn't know how to tell the leader that there is no hope anymore, that he cannot save her anymore. He looks at the nurses. They knew too that even if they do the operation, the girl would not be revived. When she arrived at the infirmary, her heart had already stopped beating and she had lost too much blood. The two nurses stared back at him and they stopped from whatever they were doing. Slowly, he took his hands from the girl's chest and turned around to face the leader.

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