Chapter 43

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Chapter 43: "Although We've Come to the End of the Road~"

After several minutes in the shower, the noise of the rushing water faded from Mason's senses. His morning showers were a place of calm for Mason, a space where he could be alone with his thoughts and mind. As he absentmindedly scrubbed at his body, Mason reflected on the previous night. Or more specifically, on the night he shared with Mark. The sensation of Mark pressed against his back still lingered on Mason's skin and it made him wonder. What had caused the shift in Mark?

No matter how Mason looked at it, that wasn't normal.

The last time Mason tried to make excuses for Mark's behaviour, he found himself scared to lose a friend while Mark was plotting how to get into his pants. Mason felt an odd sense of deja vu now. So, he decided to follow his instincts and his instincts told him that Mark . . .

Mason's breath shuddered just thinking about it.

That Mark liked him.

His mind reeled. He'd spent years hoping for such an outcome and months holding himself back so that he wouldn't be disappointed when it didn't happen. So many times, Mark would look at Mason with eyes that made him hope but Mason wouldn't allow the thought to fester. But what if all of this time, Mark felt the same?

Mason was incredibly conflicted. He wanted to jump around and scream with joy, celebrating this new development. But he also held himself back. This was--technically--all speculation. Speculation, however, that Mason wanted to confirm. His first thought was to talk to Mark. Tell him how he felt and hope that things went well. But what if Mason was just looking too deeply into this?

If there was something Mason was not seeing that made his assumption far more unlikely, he wanted to figure it out now.

Suddenly, Jasmine's name popped into his mind. She always was his soundboard when he was struggling with something. And, although this was about her brother, she'd never betrayed his trust and told Mark before. Mason rushed to finish showering. He needed to talk to Jasmine and get her opinion as soon as possible.

He didn't give Jasmine any warning that he would be coming. With all of the things racing through Mason's mind, sending a quick text to Jasmine wasn't one of them. Luckily, Jasmine hadn't left her house. When Jasmine opened her front door to find a smiling Mason, she was surprised.

"Mason. What are you doing here?" She asked, stepping aside to let him in then closing the door behind him.

"Sorry I didn't text you. I was kind of in a rush." Mason told her, rubbing his palms against his pale blue jeans.

Jasmine squinted her eyes at Mason while he walked ahead of her, going towards her room. It was obvious that something was on his mind because he was acting so weird. Within a minute, they were standing in her room. Jasmine was mentally coming up with a game plan on how to get Mason to say what was bothering when Mason just blurted out-

"I think Mark likes me."

Jasmine had been about to sit down on her bed but in her shock, fell onto her back. Mason just waited patiently, staring while he waited for her to sit up again.

"Um, what makes you think that?"

Jasmine asking that so calmly caught Mason off guard. He expected her to be happy or excited like him. She'd always pushed him towards Mark, so for this to be her reaction made Mason worried. Regardless, he wanted to hear what she thought and told her.

"When he came over yesterday, he was acting super sweet. Recently every time we met up things were super cut and dry but yesterday, he took his time with me. And when we were done, he stayed to hold me for a while and even kissed me goodbye. I don't know, maybe I'm thinking too deep into it but it just felt different." Mason explained. Without realizing it, Mason had begun to smile as he spoke.

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