Chapter 16: The answer

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I rotated the dagger with my fingers and return it on my ankle as I keep my eyes to his arms that were supposed to be covered with blood but there wasn't any. The part of his skin that I had sliced earlier look normal and unscathed.

"That's not fair," Grim spoke as he flexed his arms and I turned my eyes to him.

I tilted my head.

"You don't expect fairness from your enemies, Mr. Grim." I softly chuckle.

It was only once that I know a mage who possess two kinds of magic. Although I don't personally know her, I once belong a training class with her and witness her practicing her magic. Now, Grim's the second mage I know who possesses that kind of power.

"How is it possible that you have two kinds of magic?"

"It's a rare case but when you have both parents who are a mage, you either inherit one of their magic or both of it."

Ah. I snickered. Guess the reason why I don't have magic is that I am a triplet. I just shrugged the thought after the moment then walked towards the table before leaning my back on the edge of the table.

"So you can create multiple portals and you are invulnerable." I cross my arms across my chest. "How many abilities do you have exactly?"

Being a mage is already powerful enough, how much more if you have the power of invulnerability which makes you kind of immortal if you use it in the right way and if you're smart enough to survive every fight. I heard nothing and no one could easily defeat someone invulnerable. Well, drowning would probably work on them. Weapons couldn't even do anything to them.

He smiles at me softly and shakes his arms for a few seconds.

"Watch." He said.

I was already watching him so I just shifted my gaze, my eyes following him as he walked a few feet away from me after grabbing a small wooden object. I cocked a brow when he throw the object hard through the air and quickly raises his right hand above his head. The moment he did that, an orange-like glow travelled from his arm to his hand, and finally the light gathered on his palm. That glow forms into a ball of light in his hand, and immediately shoots towards the sky, where the object is, and blow it down. It causes a loud echoing sound and I slightly flinch.

I whispered 'wow' and grinned. Three kinds of magic? That's overpowered. I wonder if Erether would regret if they knew how powerful he had become. They probably would but there is nothing they can do now and would not dare to take back the leader of an organization they hate.

"So why didn't I notice you using your magic?"

"I'm just being cautious." He shrugged as he walked towards me and I noticed the glow on his arm slowly disappear. "I don't want any Eretherians to know about it."

I nodded. That makes sense. It would just be a bother if they find out about his ability.

Grim and I only had one training session and I immediately retired to bed after that. We still have a couple of days before the tournament is going to start and while we continue to do our usual job, we spent some time training just to prepare for the tournament. It was our chance to investigate my theory about the shadow demons having a link to someone here in Erether. Although, it could be around the regions, that someone might have been inside the headquarters. Well, it's only for a few days and Grim and the headmistress have settled their conditions for this arrangement so it's gonna be fine for us.

We received a letter from Erether two days before the tournament, explaining what we have to do and how the tournament works for us who joined only for the first time. A day after that, we went to Erether's headquarters. I didn't bring anything with me other than my clothes since they asked us not to bring any weapons with us. But then, I suddenly thought about that cube that Dr. Lurey had made and looked at Grim. So before we went inside the headquarters, I asked the others to wait and I grabbed Grim to go to Dr. Lurey's workshop. Despite the confusion, Grim came with me without asking anything and just let me drag him.

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