Chapter 1: A One Way Ticket

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- Part 1, Resolution -

A One Way Ticket

Roland stepped forward, shouting into the throng of people trundling past as he stood beneath the kaleidoscope of neon shop lights that filled the Central London Shopping Centre.

"Step right up! New opportunities, new horizons, a whole new life! 64 days until the Neo Kosmo departs to Lamperi Gi, the first habitable exoplanet, and spaces are still available!"

A few faces turned from amidst the sea of people. Roland smiled, scanning for anyone who looked to be just inside 30 years old. Younger people had too many living relatives. Older people had got too comfortable on Earth. Those entering their 30s – already feeling the economic pinch of an ageing population and tired of working for a lower standard of living than their parents – made the perfect prospect. Plus, most were couples which meant two tickets for twice the commission.

A ticket on the Neo Kosmo would cost most of your assets. And of course, you had to be willing to leave Earth and everyone you knew behind. With 500 years of cryo-sleep ahead it was a tough sell, and choosing the right targets was important. Roland frowned, seeing no one matching his target group and turned back toward the Offworld Life sales office where a depiction of the Neo Kosmo took up the entire window.

An older lady was examining the colony ship's photographs and Roland met her with a smile. She was hardly a sales prospect, but being friendly to everyone was good for referrals. "She's a beautiful ship isn't she? The first and only."

"I suppose so," she replied, not looking at him.

"You should see the pictures of Lamperi Gi. You'd want to go there even if you were going in a cardboard box!"

The lady turned to him and frowned. "Do you know anyone going?"

Roland shook his head. He was the only one of his small friend group who had the money for a ticket, and only because he had initially done very well from this sales job, but before he could answer the lady continued.

"My son has a place. He's excited but," she paused, "how do we know it's like this?"

Roland immediately began to relay the next part of his pitch – scientists had run magnetospheric imaging through a high-complexity physics modelling AI to get real images of the planet – but she just smiled.

"I hope you're right. He's leaving so much behind."

Roland grinned. "These scientists know what they're doing. I can give you the brochure if you want?"

She smiled at him and shook her head, "It's easy to make things up. Have a nice day young man," and walked off, leaving Roland standing confused for a moment. He shook his head and went back inside.

His colleague Luc raised his eyes. "Slim pickings today Rolo."

"It's still early," Roland replied, "there's someone in need of a better life out there somewhere."

Luc rolled his eyes. "God, you and your cheesy sales lines..."

Roland punched him gently in the arm, "Say what you want, they work. I was way ahead of you last month."

Luc didn't reply.

"And," Alexa, the latest sales recruit chimed in, "the month before as well I think?" She never failed to make a dig at Luc.

Luc made a face and mumbled something obscene and turned back to Roland. "Everything still to play for. You've been a bit off this month, I'm closing in fast." He winked and walked off.

A One Way Ticket on the Neo KosmoWhere stories live. Discover now