Chapter 24: The prophecy

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"I-It wasn't your magic?"

"It's yours." He looked away and turned his right side. "The mages are ready to execute the plan." He returned his gaze to me. "Are you ready?"

I pursed my lips and looked at my arms again. The light was slowly vanishing after what happened to the chiroufs. I controlled them! I did that. I couldn't even quite believe it even though it had already happened right in front of my very own eyes. But then how? Why? All these years—even though I hate to admit it—I've been waiting for any signs to let me know I'm a mage and that I was worthy to stay at Erether's headquarters.

"Don't worry. You are capable of anything, Aeryn." Vandris said and returned my eyes to him. He smiled at me, the warm and soft kind of smile. "Just believe in yourself."

I gulped. My determination and hesitation fighting against each other, and in the end, my determination to save Erether won against me. I nodded at him and his smile widens.

The mages began to form a huge circle around us then those who have a telekinetic ability went near the portal, along with the mages controlling the wind. I went among them, while Vandris and Theodre were following me.

"Focus, Aeryn." He said. "Try to focus your mind on the chiroufs and your magic will do anything that you want."

I relaxed my neck and loosened my arms. I've been to countless magic lessons before when I was still in Erether. Despite showing no signs of magic, I know how to summon it or hone my magic because it was our major lesson in school. Some of the mages can use their magic using only their minds but then some move their hands to summon their magic.

I don't know what kind of magic I have or how do I exactly summon it, but I've seen myself burning the chiroufs after attaching them. Flint has the exact power, fire, that he had inherited from my biological mother, so I thought maybe I shared the same power with him.

I sucked in a long breath and lift my right hand towards the sky. The mages with fire magic began to create a large and wide wall of fire above us that prevents the chiroufs from coming down to us. Then, the wind mages control the wind to keep in their place just above the wall of fire. There are only three mages who have a telekinesis ability so as they have struggled to stop the chiroufs from moving, I tried to summon my magic.

I gritted my teeth, calling out the magic with my mind until I felt a mind-numbing pain in my head. I groaned and stopped what I was doing, but that was the moment I saw the glow in my arms coming back so I lift my hand again.

"Please," I whispered.

The chiroufs screams echo through the vast and after a minute passed, multiple mages have lost consciousness and therefore lost control of their magic. The chiroufs screamed again and were about to escape when I close my palm, the fire reacted at that moment and formed into a large ball of fire, trapping all the chiroufs inside. At the same time, the mages began counting and on the count of three, they tossed the fire to the portal.

I grunted, my arms weakening and I felt myself slowly falling to the ground. But before I could make an impact against the ground, I felt a pair of strong arms catching me.

"Aeryn!" I opened my half-closed eyes widely and looked at Vandris. He put me down on top of his things and keep his arm on my back. He removed a few strands of my hair that was blocking my face and cupped my cheeks. "Where does it hurt? What do you feel?"

"Dying?" I softly chuckled and closed my eyes from feeling the exhaustion in my body. "I feel like my head's breaking apart."

"You're going to be okay. You just lost a lot of your strength."

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