Chapter 31: Betrayal

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(Third Person Point of View)

A familiar female voice echoed through Aeryn's mind as she went back to the regions, going in the direction where she was hearing the voice from. She found a vehicle and she uses that to continue going to her destination. She was getting closer to the voice as if she heard it by her ears, not through her mind. She step on the gas to accelerate the vehicle's speed and was trying to understand what the voice was saying to her.

It was loud enough to hear but it was gibberish and she can barely understand what it was trying to say to her. The voice continue to speak to her, its voice sounding as if it was pleading with her, asking for her. As far as she can remember, the voice belongs to Victoria itself. So what was she trying to say to her? Why does it seem like she was looking for her?

She was already at region 26, in the western part of Erether. The place was partially empty, but she can faintly hear some screams from humans at a far distance.

Save me.

She gasps when she heard her voice again. She tightly gripped the wheel and accelerated the vehicle to its limit until she reached the next region. As she descends from the vehicle, she looked around the place and grimaces when she saw multiple bodies of the creatures and even humans lying on the ground lifeless. Many lives have already been taken during the night the dark creatures have brought havoc to this land. It all must end quickly or they will face the worst thing that could happen to them.

She turned her body 180 degrees along with the sword to cut the dark creature's head that was in front and behind her. She ran towards a direction where there was a human and immediately cut its head. The woman dropped down to the ground, breathless and traumatized. She assessed the woman's body and muttered a curse when she saw dark spots on her left arm, clear evidence of the poison that was left on her by the shadow demon.

"You have to go to the mage headquarters." She turned to the man, who turns out to be one of his brothers in their organization, and called him. "Take the vehicle and get this woman to the mage headquarters immediately. She has been poisoned. Go!"

"Yes, boss!"

The man carried the woman towards the vehicle and they immediately left after that. Then, she turned her head back to the battle and cocked her head. She cannot find Victoria anywhere and she has not heard the voice anymore. She sighed. Well, no matter where she is, she will find her and kill her.

She closed the distance to the shadow demons that were coming her way and cut its hands when they attempted to cut her with their claws. She lowly growled and kick it down to the ground before pushing the tip of the blade to its chest. She pulls it out and slashes the sword again to cut the next demon attacking her. And just as when she was already clear to go on her merry way towards the other, she felt an icy cold temperature behind her.

A soft sigh escaped her lips and she looked behind her. Her brows raised seeing a shadow demon with hands as if wanting to grip on her turned into ice. She tilted her head and looked behind the creature and saw a familiar face. At the same time, the ice exploded into tiny bits, along with the body of the shadow demon. Aeryn closed her eyes for a second when some of the bits flew to her face.

"Hi." A seemingly energetic woman greeted her and smiled widely.

Aeryn softly groaned and turned her back around before wiping her face. It was her sister. Her twin sister, Snow.

"What? Aren't you glad to see me?"


She grunted as she continue to defend herself from the creatures. A chirouf flew over her and she lift her hand to stop it from moving before lighting it up with a fire.

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