Chapter 34: The land of Alteshar

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The portal to the realm of Alteshar was too different than the portal I have used to. It wasn't a portal disc or some kind of magic that would let you travel between worlds with just a snap of a finger. We were like falling into an endless pit, falling in without any means of gravity and it was like the pit was pulling us down to the very end.

Despite trying to be so tough, I ended up screaming as we fall into the hole in the water, not getting wet even as we were close to it. Vandris who was already holding my hand pulled me closer to him and slipped his hand underneath my thighs. He told me to close my eyes but I didn't. But I did stop screaming when he was already holding me. I looked down below and there was still darkness. But after a few seconds, we saw a bright light at the bottom and then we went through it.

I closed my eyes for a second when we came across the light because of its brightness but when I felt like it was already gone, I open my eyes only to realize that we were already in a different world. The first thing I saw was his face and his eyes staring at me.

"We're here," Vandris whispered before putting me down carefully.

I looked down and notice my feet were stepping on a white marbled floor. Then I looked up and looked around. We were inside what seemed like a large cocoon-like place that is made of tree roots. The roots surrounding the place were at least three-inch in its thickness. On my right was the door, also made with roots. It was amazing. It awed me.

"Where are we?" I ask.

There was a small wooden table in the corner of the small area and there were clothes that were neatly piled up on it. Vandris grabbed two of them and Theodre took the last one. Vandris gave the other one to me and that's when I got the chance to look at the clothes closely. It was a white cloak that was designed with a snowflake embroidery and then there was a symbol on the chest part of it, like some sort of antlers.

"We have already arrived at the realm of Alteshar." He looked at the cloak I was holding. "Wear that so the guardians would recognize us."


"This portal is located inside a forest. And this forest was guarded by white harts to make it peaceful, and safe. They are also guarding the portal none would come here unwelcome by the elves."

Oh. So that must be why there's an antlers symbol on the cloak. I nodded as I wore the cloak neatly—the hood was pulled down as well as my long wavy hair that was almost to my waist level. When we finally stepped outside the place, a peaceful and magical forest welcomed us. Birds were singing and the trees are dancing along with the wind like they are welcoming us—or just the two of them because they are both an elf.

It was then that the tree trunk where we came from—that looks like a rabbit role after looking at it from the outside—the thick roots immediately covered the opening of the hole making the tree looks like an ordinary tree amongst the other.

"Woah," I whispered.

"This portal was designed for the Prince of Alteshar so it would look welcoming and elegant for him," Theodre said and then looked to Vandris. "If they hadn't made it into a simple one, it wouldn't have been pleasing to the royal prince's eyes."

"Why not make it like a cabin or something?"

"Well, the white harts made it into like this so we can't dare change it."

"So it's made with magic," I mumbled. "Does the harts have magic?"

"The harts in our world do," Vandris replied as we started to walk along the forest. "Our forefather assumed the form of white harts, and the new harts are our guardians. They created the first two elves, a male and female elves, who cupulate and made the kingdom of elves large. Along with us, the guardians lived here on Earth after the great war."

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