Chapter 28: Lured

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(Third Person Point of View)

It wasn't that easy to walk inside the mage headquarters especially when the guards are scattered around the area inside. So Aeryn had to move with stealth and speed to avoid them and went inside the mage headquarters. There were people inside, of course, wearing lab coats so she reckons they came from the laboratory.

She walked passed multiple classrooms of children mages before she arrived at the elevator, pressing the third button from above. It's easy to locate where Tianna's quarter is because the rooms of the council members are located below the headmistress' room. Plus, they put labels outside their room since their private office is inside so it would be easy to recognize which one is her room.

The elevator dings and she looked at the hallway feeling a bad vibe from the silence. She looked around right after she stepped out of the lift and carefully pull out her sword short without making a sound.

Her heart pounds hard as she walked through the hallway until she was standing in front of Tianna's room. It has become more suspicious now that she arrived at her destination. She knows it's supposed to be quiet because there's not one person on the floor but she expects the silence wouldn't make her feel like this, the goosebumps all over her body.

But she doesn't have much time. She's not even sure when the chaos will come so she has to do this before anything worst happens.

She carefully open the door and stepped in with a light step. At a queen-sized bed, Tianna lies sleeping soundly with her blanket covering her until her chest. She held the sword in a reverse grip as she slowly and carefully walk towards the bed.

She let out a long sigh and lift her hand, ready to pierce the sword on Tianna's chest, straight to her heart. But an unexpected thing happen, and her eyes widens when a hand caught her when it was only an inches away before the tip of the blade would pierce her chest.

Tianna's eyes opens and she grinned. Aeryn gritted her teeth and push the sword down with her other hand but Tianna use her other hand to push her off the bed with a strong force. She landed on top of the table, eventually breaking it because of the strong impact.

Aeryn groaned and stood up while pulling out the shard glass wounding the palm on her left hand.

"Did you really think you can kill me?"

Tianna stood up from the bed, revealing to be wearing a red sultry dress and it made Aeryn chuckle.

She's prepared. She should have known this would happen the moment she felt something strange but she was so absorbed in her plan that she forgot that her target was a mother of a half-human and half-shadow. And on top of that, she's also a mage so it won't easy to assassinate her.

"You knew," Aeryn said as a matter of fact.

"I knew the moment I approached you."

"So why—"

"To do this."

Tianna smirked before she lifts her left hand, and Aeryn was immediately lifted from the ground. Then she lift her right hand and waved it to the right, and made Aeryn lose grip of her sword.

Aeryn muttered a curse under her breath and tried to move but to no avail. She looked down at her and clenched her jaw.

"What are you gonna do now?"

"Prevent you from ruining my plan." She responds, lowering her hand along with Aeryn's body. When she thought she could finally escape, her eyes widen in fear and shock when she found herself trapped inside a cell in a blink of an eye. "Sorry to break it to you, but you just fell right into my trap."

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