Chapter 35: Sacred spell of the elves

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"It seemed like a bond has been made."

What could be more confusing than hearing all people in the room gasping and gawking over at what the King had said? I stood there amongst them, not having an idea of what they were talking about, especially after the King mentioned something about a bond that Vandris himself hadn't explained yet.

"What's going on?"

Vandris softly tapped my shoulder and shook his head.
"I'll explain later."

Oh yeah. Later. Am I supposed to just wait around until they are ready to explain everything to me? The more my questions remained unanswered, the more my curiosity is killing me. It's infuriating.

But I remained stilled and patiently waited. I know I couldn't act harshly in this place knowing I am only a visitor or rather a stranger to this land.

I trust Vandris—just like what I said to him—but I'm not from here and I'm not like them. These people or even the King might seem pleasant and kind to me but I am not sure if their intentions are pure. So I have to be cautious, with my words and actions.

Chatters and whispers started to echo in every corner of the room but the minute the King raises his hand to silence the people inside the huge hall; they immediately sealed their lips and stopped themselves from gossiping furthermore.

"Before anything else, I would like to formally introduce myself." The King did a little bow to me with a smile so I also bow. "I am King Cassius of Alteshar, King of all light elves."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Your...Majesty."

He chuckled. He turned his gaze to Vandris then motioned his hand towards him, telling him to come. When Vandris walked to his side, they started talking in whispers. I glanced at Theodre and saw him lowering his head still. A few seconds after, Vandris return to his position right next to me. Then the King cleared his throat which made all the people in the room attentive towards him.

"As you have heard me say, it is true that a bond was made among one of my sons and I know you know who I am talking about. However, Aeryn Glaze right here is new to this world, and should we have no intention of shocking her from the truth. The Prince insisted that their bond or of any matter about our guests shall stay at this palace. There shall be no rumors flying around the kingdom or everyone in this room shall bear the consequences. Did I make myself clear?"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" All of them said in unison.

"Meeting adjourned. I will require all your presence in no time."

Bowing their heads at the King, the people quickly leave the room at the King's disposal, taking into their heart what the King had said to them. They showed respect towards him without looking scared or intimidated, and it shows so much about what kind of leader King Cassius is.

The King cleared his throat again, giving Vandris a look before he began to walk away. Vandris looked at me and motioned his hand to the path where the King had stridden.

"Let's go."

I went ahead of him and followed the King. On the other hand, before Vandris could follow me, Theodre spoke.

"Master, I shall go on my way now to my family."

"Alright." He tapped his shoulders. "Send my regards to them, Theodre."

"I will do that." Theodre bowed at him before leaving the palace.

Then, Vandris walked towards me and we walked together following the King.

There was another huge double door on the right side of the throne hall and after the palace guards opened the door, the King went through it as we silently follow him. It felt weird as I walk with them. It felt like it was just yesterday when I was just an ordinary human being and now I'm in a world full of elves and the presence of a Royal King.

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