Chapter 29: Gloom

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(Third Person Point of View)

Vandris immediately created a long table to let Aeryn lie on it in a comfortable position. He carefully sets her down on the table, sensing her body gradually weakening. Then he put his ear closer to her chest and tried hearing her beating heart. It beats in every second and her breathing was fast and deep.

He knew she was not dying but Aeryn had gone through worse during the time she was imprisoned inside the cell and was probably bleeding inside because of the effect of the magic in that cell. Her nose and mouth were even full of dried blood.

"You shouldn't have tried escaping the first time you knew what the cell would do to you." Vandris bit his lower lip and sighed heavily. Then he held her hands with both of his hands. "You have to stop being hard-headed, Aeryn, and think about yourself."

Aeryn didn't respond but she wanted to retaliate against Vandris. Of course, she was thinking about herself but she was too confident she would escape from the prison if she tries harder so she even tries her ability to go through walls, but it didn't help one bit. Besides, she couldn't just stay still while the enemies were coming.

I'm sorry, she said in her mind, knowing he was reading her thoughts. He sighs again and lowered his head. At the same time, the whole corner of the border around Erether was boomed with an alarm noise, signaling all the people of the emergency.

"I know. I'm sorry, too, because I was so late to come to you. If I came in time, I would have prevented this to happen."

Her heavy breathing continues while Vandris was holding her hands. She moves her hands even though she could barely move and softly squeezes his hands. She's not blaming him. It was all her fault.

It's not your fault.

He smiles and stared at the white light that started to come out of his hands. It slowly travels from him then it transfers to Aeryn's hands, as it continues to travel to her arms.

"The cell was cast with two kinds of magic. Light and dark magic. One was cast with magic that mages originally have. And the other was cast with dark magic that is similar to a shadow demon's magic. With these two combined, it will create a strong combo of magic and it would be hard to retaliate against with." He looked at him while her eyes are still closing. "So what you did was very dangerous, Aeryn."

The lights have now traveled on her torso down to her stomach. Now, her upper body is glowing with the while light traveling through her veins.

"I'm sorry," Aeryn mumbled. She doesn't even know why she keeps saying sorry when she isn't like that before. As much as she was hard-headed, she's also full of pride that won't even say sorry unless she's on a losing side or hard evidence of her mistake was slapped on her face.

But she wasn't losing nor winning with Vandris. It was a mistake of her to do that, but it wasn't because of that she was sorry. She felt his concern and she realized right then that it was what moved her, and therefore made her realize that what she did have not only hurt her but others, too.

Slowly, she opens her eyes, feeling like she had slowly regained her strength, and her pain was subsiding. Her breathing was still shaking when she stared at him, meeting his worried but intense gaze.

It has been so long since someone had saved her. Azer was the very first person who had taken her out of hell and given her a new life. Jonah has always been a real brother to her and has always been protective of her. And Grim had saved her before.

But right now, she felt so much more than gratitude towards Vandris. He had made her realize what kind of capability she has. He taught her magic that not the magic academy in Erether was able to teach her. He had saved her life twice now.

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