Meeting him

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Cold and dark. The only warmth I had was from the heat of my breath. Bare foot with nothing but shorts and bruises. I ran with a limp to the nearest house for help but there wasn't any. I tried to pull myself together. I couldn't cry. Not now! I pulled my torn T-shirt onto my shivering body. I wiped the dripping liquid off of my legs, I assumed it was blood considering what had just happened to me. I was surrounded by trees. I stood in the middle of the road. I searched for street lights, head lights, any type of lights to help guide my way, but only darkness. I ran as fast as I could while still holding my clothes in place. I took as little breaths as possible. I didn't want him to hear me, I didn't want him to find me, I didn't want him to catch me. I could feel my heart racing; it was loud and fast. I heard the sound of a loud truck behind me. I knew the sound of that truck was familiar. It was HIM! I saw the beaming lights from the truck. I ran as fast as I could. I refused to look forward instead I ran looking backwards until I wasn't running anymore. I felt myself falling and then suddenly everything went dark.

*Bell rings*
Mr.Adams:"...And don't forget your papers are due wednesday when I see you. Miss Taylor, would you mind staying after class? I need to speak with you, everyone else enjoy the rest of your day. I will see you all on wednesday."
*Class murmurs*

Mr.Adams:" Miss Taylor I..."
Terri:" I'd appreciate it if you didn't call me that Joseph"
Mr.Adams:* Clears throat* "Okayy umm TERRI is it? I've noticed over the summer break your participation and grades are slipping. Are you okay? Do you need help on any assignments? I could get you a tutor!"
Terri: "Am I okay? What do you think? And I don't need a stupid tutor."
Mr.Adams: "Well I think that if you keep falling asleep in your classes the university is going to take away your scholarship. This isn't high school Terri you're old enough to know when to go to bed on time and when to turn in your assignments when they're due. Listen, I'm aware of what happened to you this summer, and I'm sorry that happened to you. No one should have to go through that but you can't keep using that as an excuse to fail your classes. I'm here if you ever want to talk, okay?"
Terri: " Trust me I don't, and even if I did, you would be the last person I went to."
Mr.Adams: : "Why, because I'm your professor?"
Terri: "No, because you're a man!"
*Exits the class*

I remember waking up in the hospital. The room was scorching and I had a lot of blankets. My hair was wet and my clothes were sitting on the chair in the corner. I could hear the water dripping from them and onto the floor. Needles were poking out of my arms, I was attached to IV's and my head was pounding. Shakily I touched my head and it was bleeding. I was confused on how I got to the hospital then I started to think. Who found me? Why is it so hot here but I'm so cold? Where is my rapist? Did the police catch him? What if he's the one who found me? I mean I did hear HIS truck and we were in the middle of nowhere, who else could have been out there? Maybe he saw me fall and saw I was in bad condition, so he brought me to the hospital? What If he takes me back to 'THE PLACE"? So much was going through my head. It hurts to think. My blood was boiling and my mind was racing. I began to panic. I was hyperventilating and had a seizure. Foam dripped from the side of my mouth. My eyes rolled to the back of my head. The event monitor attached to me began beating uncontrollably until the room went silent. I was still unconscious. Doctors and nurses came rushing in. I could see them working on my body. It was almost as If i wasn't inside of me. I was there but my soul could roam the hospital. "Stat" I heard one of the nurses say. I didn't know what it meant. I looked over at myself and I looked dead. I didn't know what to do. I tried to touch one of the nurses but my hand went right through her as if I was a ghost. I yelled "HEY WHAT'S HAPPENING TO ME"? But no one could hear me. I watched them check my pulse and give me CPR, they even used a ventilator to help me breathe. I was scared. I walked out of the room. I saw a man in a black hat, green shirt and khaki pants pacing back and forth. I never saw his face. He never looked up. I wanted to get a closer look but something strange began to happen. The room was spinning and my sight was blurry. Next thing I knew I was being sucked into my body. My heart was beating but everything was still black.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2022 ⏰

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