Chapter 2. Accepted

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[POV Change] 


"This question is from me. What is your biggest weakness? Other than being bli-" Aizawa spoke, but stopped as I interrupted him. "Being blind is not a weakness!" I shouted as I glared at him. "I give you my apologies on behalf of Aizawa, I'm sure he didn't mean it like that," Nezu said, trying to ease the situation. I took a small breath before deciding to answer the question. "My weakness would probably be airborne attackers, as I said when explaining my Quirk," I said, making Nezu write down even more. "Thank you. That'll be all." Nezu said, causing me to stand up and leave the building. I then put a smile back on my before sighing.

Beifong Mansion

[Third Person POV]  

Lao and Poppy Beifony were both sitting in the living room, anticipating their son's return from UA's entrance exam. When a butler opened the door for their son, they were expecting to see the boy upset or sad, but instead, he had a large smile on his face. "H-how did it go, darling?" Poppy asked in a worried voice. "It went great! I definitely passed!" (Y/N) exclaimed as he ran to his room. As her son left, Poppy's expression turned into an angry one. "You said that there was no chance of him passing! Look how happy and dirty he is! There's no way he'd be looking like that if he failed!" She yelled at her husband, her voice filled with anger. She then stormed off, not allowing the stuttering Lao to respond.


A few days had passed since then and most things had gone back to normal. Well, except for (Y/N) instantly running downstairs whenever the doorbell rang to see if it was a letter from UA. He was currently sitting in his room and secretly training his Quirk by lifting rocks and making figures or shapes with them. He raised his head and dropped the rocks, however, his eyes lighting up as well. He got onto his feet and ran downstairs, where the butler was opening the door for the mailman. "Thank you." The butler said as he closed the door with one letter in his hand. The UA letter. "Is that the UA letter?" He asked excitedly. As the butler nodded, (Y/N) instantly snatched the letter and ran into the living room. "It's here!" He announced to his parents, making them both nervous.

(Y/N) ripped open the letter, only for a little disk thing to pop out. "What's this?" (Y/N) muttered as he tapped it, only for a hologram to emit from the thing. "I am here as a projection!" A voice that belonged to All Might roared. (Y/N) had gotten a bit scared by it since he couldn't feel it, not knowing it was even there. He couldn't make an outline out of light after all. "Hello, (Y/N) Beifong! You passed the written exam with a flaming 93% mark! That is magnificent!" All Might yelled as the smile on (Y/N)'s face became bigger and his parents' faces showed more worry. "Now onto the practical exam section. You got first place in the race! That basically guaranteed a spot for you in UA! We also loved your answers in the interview!" All Might informed the three, sweat dripping on Lao's forehead with every word. "Obviously, you passed. So welcome, young (Y/N)... to your hero academia!" All Might said as the projection disappeared. (Y/N) let out a cheer as he pumped his fists into the air. The cheer was mostly out of happiness, but it had a bit of 'In your face!' in it.

"So? Can I go to UA?" He asked his father as he looked at him in anticipation of a yes. "Uh..." Lao muttered as he nervously looked around. "You promised!" (Y/N) reminded him as he pointed at his father accusingly. "Yes, honey. You did promise him." Poppy said with a bit of venom in her voice. Lao stuttered for a bit more before he sighed, realizing that he couldn't win in this situation. "Fine. You can go to UA. Your first day is on Monday, I guess." The defeated Lao said as he lowered his head. "Whoo!" (Y/N) exclaimed as he ran back up to his room.

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