heading to hell. wanna come?

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       Dose it seem like there is always the perfect song for any occasion? Or one for the random problems of the universe that seem to pop up at random when everything seems to be going fine for once? Well right now I need that one song for the random problems. Thats one of the smaller problems I'm having in my recently chaos filled life though, at the moment I dont know what exactley that problem song is. Its weird.... I usually know what the song is by now. Its been 34 minutes and 22 seco- no 25 seconds since I boarded the subway. Where may the destination you are traveling by subway be you may ask? Well to put it simply, it's hell in a nutshell! Also known as New York to other people. But not to me, to me it's just hell. Nothing more nothing less. Now the reason I think its hell in a nutshell is simple because really there is only one reason. Jessica fucking patch. A grade a whore who is addicted to drugs and cant stay sober for more than 2 day's. she's the kind of person you would never give a child to. The kind of person you dont bother to invite to family gatherings because they spiked the punch and now half the kids there are black out wasted. Really the only thing that I can say about Jessica patch is that she should have gotten that fucking abortion when she had the chance. yep you guessed it. Jessica is my biological 'mother'. And now i'm on a train heading to new york to see my long forgoten 'mother'. My 'mother' who I cant even put a face to. My "mother' who abandoned me without even glancing back to see what had become of the darling little boy that she had left, forgot about and threw away like a piece of garbage she couldn't even call her own at this point! Do you want to know how I came to be in this situation? Stick around and you just might find out.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2022 ⏰

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