Chapter 3. Quirk Apprehension Test

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[POV Change]


Bakugo stretched for a bit before taking a few steps forward. "Die..!" Bakugo shouted as he threw the ball into the sky with an explosion. The ball soared through the air and created a couple of smoke rings in the sky. "Know your own maximum first," Aizawa instructed as the ball began to fall towards the ground. "That is the most rational way to form the foundation of a hero," Aizawa said as he showed them Bakugo's score of 705. (Y/N) was about to ask someone what his score was, but his question was answered when a blond boy said, "705 metres, for real?" The students began to get excited at this opportunity, making Aizawa a bit upset. "It looks fun, huh? You have three years to become a hero. Will you have an attitude like that the whole time? All right. Whoever comes in last place in all eight tests will be judged to have no potential... and will be punished with expulsion." Aizawa said as he smirked, shocking the students. (Y/N) didn't seem to care much though, he was confident in his abilities and knew he wouldn't get last place.

UA Field

[(Y/N) POV]

"We're free to do what we want about the circumstances of our students. Welcome to UA's hero course!" Aizawa exclaimed as he pushed some hair out of his face. I couldn't see anyone face, even with my Quirk, but it was still pretty obvious that a lot of the students were scared or worried. Who wouldn't be? Me. I wouldn't be. "Last place will be expelled?!" A girl asked, bringing my attention to her. "But it's the first day of school! No, even, if it wasn't the first day of school, this is too unfair!" She then yelled out to Aizawa.

"Natural disasters, big accidents, and selfish villains. Calamities whose time or place can't be predicted," Oh great, he's going on a speech. "Japan is covered with unfairness. Heroes are the ones who reverse those situations. If you wanted to go talk with your friends at Mickey D's after school, too bad." Did he just call McDonald's Mickey D's? "For the next three years, UA will do all it can to give you one hardship after another. Go Beyond. Plus Extra. Overcome it with all you have got." Aizawa then said, finishing off his grand speech. Some people started to get more nervous, meanwhile, the engine boy took out a water bottle from his pocket and 'Bakugo' started to stretch his arm again.

"All right, demonstration's over. The real thing starts now." Aizawa said, making me smirk. The first test was a 50-metre sprint where a robot would record our time. There were around 4 pairs who took the sprint before me, but it was now my turn. I took place at the starting line and took a deep breath, next to me was a boy who had some crazy hair. Like everyone else, the boy was taking a starting position on the ground while I was just standing in place. "On your mark... get set... Go!" The robot announced. I then did the same thing I did on the entrance exam, lifting pieces of the earth and skating to the finish line. "4.89 seconds." The robot said as I crossed the finish line. The other boy didn't seem to be doing anything except running at an average speed. I guess his Quirk doesn't help him with speed. "6.78." The robot said as he crossed the finish line and I returned the pieces of earth to the ground.

Next was a test for grip strength, something that I wasn't all that good that. I was about to just grip the machine, but then I got a different idea. What if I created a hand with rocks? So, I did exactly that. I brought in some rocks from an open window and then created a hand with them. The rock then gripped the machine as I made the rock squeeze the machine as much as it could. '345 Kilograms. Not bad.' I thought to myself as the rock hand ungripped the machine and flew out the window and onto the ground.

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