Chapter 7 Escaping the Danger

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The forest was dark with no light from the moon in the sky because of the densely packed canopy. Selene who had already predicted this had brought one of the magical luminous crystal balls from her nightlight stand. It was quite simple to use, just tap it three times to turn it on and three times again when you want to turn it off.

The light ball shined bright in contrast to the darkness around her, she had gone to the highest floor of the manor to see where the denseness of the forest reduces and had estimated that there should be some land clear of trees somewhere around there. According to her it should take her ten minutes to reach that part of forest.

Apart from the occasional movement of small animals climbing up the trees the forest was quiet, it seemed that the rumors were just rumors after all. Selene relaxed her tense body a little after walking alertly for 5 minutes and started to look around but it was the mistake she shouldn't have made. Cause just seconds later, she heard a twig cracking behind her, she whipped her head behind and found three grey wolves following her with hungry eyes.

 Selene cursed her shitty luck in her mind. If this was her past self, she wouldn't have been that afraid of three medium sized wolves. But the body she currently was in couldn't even defeat one of them not to mention three. Selene took 3 knives from her bag while facing the wolves and walking backwards slowly. The only plan coming to her mind now to escape safely was to injure these wolves and hopefully get enough time to run away from them.

Selene placed the knives in the space between her fingers, her eyes searching for the best point on the wolves' bodies to throw them at. 'Since I want them to not chase me the best choice are their legs, preferably the forelegs' Selene eyes shone with a sharp glint as she turned her assassin instincts on, her small hand with the knives in position came in front and before the wolves could react the knives flew towards them and pierced the foreleg of two of the wolves, the third knife pierced in the the last wolf's chest. 

Selene who didn't have the time to lament on the loss of her perfect aiming skills turned around and ran as fast as her short legs could carry her, leaving a trail of her mana behind so that she would not get lost.

The third wolf shook of the knife which was weakly attached to it's chest and looked at its teammates before turning its rage filled bloodshot eyes to the direction Selene ran.

Selene's legs were starting to hurt due to running too much but she couldn't stop as she had failed to injure all three wolves. She looked for a tree good enough to climb and hide from the enraged wolf but all the trees had their branches high up. 

She finally found a tree that was shorter than the others and started to fix her leg on the crooks of the trunk to climb. That's when the wolf caught up to her and swept its claw at her leg. Feeling the claws digging into her skin, Selene couldn't help but let out a small yelp. She hurriedly dug her nail into the tree's bark and climbed out of the wolf's reach as fast as she could and sat on top of a branch.

Even though the wolf couldn't reach her now, it didn't have any intention to leave from there, seemed like it was holding a grudge against her for injuring it and his teammates. Selene knew that the moment the fragile branch she was sitting on breaks the wolf will pounce on her. So the best way was to kill it before that happens.

The problem was that she only had one knife left with her, which was definitely not enough to kill the wolf. But there was a way to kill the wolf with only one knife. To infuse it with her fire power and then strike its head with the knife. Even if the wolf is not killed, it would at least be not able to attack her. 

Selene had been reluctant to use power earlier as it was mentioned in the book in bold letters that level one mages should not use their power for attacks as their mana can go awry, it was only when the mages reach level 3 can they use their power in offense effectively.

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