Chapter 1

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"And why exactly is Naruto at our door at 3:00 in the morning?" Sasuke grumbled as he dragged his hands down his face in annoyance.

Sakura leaned in the doorway of their bedroom, she was the unlucky one who had to get up to answer the door. "He says Kakashi-Sensei summoned us."

He let out a groan, extra annoyed now. "And does he expect us to drag our 3 year old daughter out at this hour? Because that's not happening and neither is Naruto babysitting her." It was extremely rare for both of them to be away from their daughter, it was typically Sasuke who was away but only a select few people were allowed to babysit her when those rare occasions happened; Naruto was not one of them. He was lucky to even get to hold her. Sasuke didn't trust that his hyper best friend would be careful.

"Hinata is on her way over, she's going to stay with her."

"Forget it. If I'm not willing to take my kid out at this hour I'm not asking someone else to. You stay here, I'll deal with Naruto and Kakashi." He threw the blanket off of him and got up to get dressed.

'Kakashi really did it this time.' Sakura thought to herself. Kakashi and Naruto have always had a knack for annoying Sasuke but this was probably record time.

She walked back to the front door where Naruto was still waiting, "Tell Hinata not to worry, I'm going to stay here with Sarada."

"But Kakashi-Sensei wants both-"

She put her hand up to stop him, "You want to have to tell that to Sasuke?" He dropped his head in defeat, he knew there was no point in arguing. He dashed off to tell Hinata to stay home, hopefully before she's had the chance to wake up Boruto.

By time Naruto left Sasuke was at the door putting his boots on. He definitely wasn't wasting time. He wore all black with his brown poncho over top, sword at his hip.

"I'll be back soon. Go ahead and get back to sleep." He kissed her quickly before disappearing into the night.

• • • • •

Sasuke scowled at his former Sensei as he stood in the Hokage's office, "This better be good Kakashi."

Kakashi sat heavily in his chair, exhaustion evident on his face. "Didn't I ask Naruto to have both you AND Sakura report?"

"Yeah I'm not dragging Sarada out of the house in the middle of the night." He leveled his eyes at Kakashi, daring him to challenge his decision to have his wife  stay home their daughter.

"Just as difficult as when you were a kid" he mumbled under his breath as he kicked his heels up to rest on his desk, "Alright Sasuke, I have a favor to ask."

"You called me down here for a favor?" Sasuke asked incredulously.

Kakashi ignored his former students rising temper, "It's only something you and Sakura can do. It's actually mainly for Sakura, I just need you to escort her."

Sasuke stood there, impatiently waiting for Kakashi to get to the point. "I need Sakura to assist one of the hospitals in the Land of Lightning. The medic in charge there is struggling."

"And that required me to be here before the Sun is even up?"

"I need you both to be ready to leave by 6."

Sasuke was fuming by this point. "Did you forget that last minute missions aren't really our thing anymore?"

Sure, before they became parents they took missions at any time but with Sarada it makes things more difficult, especially when it involves both of them. Sakura's parents were out of town and he didn't like leaving Sarada with Hinata for extended periods of time since she already had Boruto to take care of.

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