His Handwriting

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The fanart used in cover and story is taken from IG: 3nchimon. Follow them for amazing Namon fanart.

This is my first oneshot of PangWave, my favourite duo. It is a high school story but not with potential like The Gifted.

English is not my first language, So I apologise for any error occured in the story.


Third person POV

"So who is your friend here?" Wave asked to Nac with his usual resting bitch face. He had no interest in standing by the bleachers of the foot ball ground under the scorching sun, seeing a group of boys roughly kicking the ball and pushing each other. But he had to do, if he wants to score the perfect internal marks in biology this year. He can't let his topper title that easily.

Everything happened 5 days before. He was just being his usual self with his mobile games when Nac approached him.


"Wave" Nac called.

Wave not even spared a glance at him. "What?"

"I want to compete with you" he said which really piqued Wave's interest. Usually no one bothered him in class, cause he was 'big headed' according to them. Then this guy suddenly approaches daring him.

Wave knows him. He always tries to get some attention, but no one cared. This might be his new approach for attention seeking. "Ok what you want to do?"

"Let's have a competition"

"In which?" Wave asked.

"Solving Rubix cube" Nac said with a confident smile.

Oh boy! If only he knew Wave's favourite past time is solving rubix cube, he would never approach. He should have took a hint when Wave agreed with a smirk.

"What if you lose?" He asked. If he was going to entertain him, he should get something from it.

"I will write your biology record for this year, including diagrams" Wave was amused at this boy's confidence. And the bet was not a bad idea. He had less interest in biology and even lesser interest in drawing.

"But if you lose, you should do my biology record." Wave smirked again.

"Then get ready to write two records" he said with a challenging smile.

Punn set the timer and all of their classmates were around them to witness.
Not even 10 seconds in, Wave solved the cube.

"Wow... I just wiped dust from my eyes and this already ended?" Claire squealed being her usual drama queen self.

"No!! it can't be!" Nac was looking so shocked with his half solved rubix cube.

"Its over Nac. He won" Namtarn the smarty pants next in line to Wave stated.

Wave ignored others and went back to his seat. He came back with his record and handed it to Nac. "Just so you know, tomorrow is submission date. So do well okay?"

Nac was fuming in anger. Wave didn't stop with that, he sat in his place and yelled, "Next time, don't bite more than you can chew. Oh wait, I think there won't be next time"

Next day Nac handed him completed record. Wave opened the note with scrutinizing glance, the first two experiments neatly written with labelled diagrams.

"This is not your handwriting" Wave said blankly.

"What? You thought I will write? What if Ms.Lita finds it with my handwriting? So I had my friend write it"

His Handwriting (Oneshot)Where stories live. Discover now