Chapter 22 - Mother Dearest

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I was walking through a dark garden full of shadows, overhanging trees, and winding vines with sprays of tiny, white flowers. The moon shone and I could feel myself fighting to not let the setting lull me into a peaceful existence. There was a reason I should be alert, aware, wary...

The hair on my neck was standing on end, and I felt a shiver travel down my right arm, like a current leading me to turn my head. And then I saw the reason. The devil was by my side. Baraqiel strode next to me like a king surveying his land, and I felt fire growing in my veins. But I wasn't in me, looking through my eyes, I was looking out from my mother's. So I kept my smooth walk next to a man I hated more than one body could hold, more than the world could hold, a man I would burn down the world for - if it meant he would turn to ash along with it.

"Aren't you afraid of him, your son? The prophecy and what could come to be from him?"

My mother's voice spoke quietly, carefully, and whether it was for show or because she actually feared Baraqiel, I felt my teeth grind. He didn't deserve people's reverence, their admiration or awe. All he deserved was a dagger to the heart.

"Fear him? My own flesh and blood? Why? He is mine, and what could come to be doesn't concern me - only what will come to be. What I will bring into being. He will be capable of such terrible feats, such infamy. And all under my command. I'll make sure of it. Besides, he won't be my equal in power or strength until I've made him. He won't be a true Fallen until I make him into one. And even if he resists, I have contingencies. I'm an excellent trainer, as you've seen, but even if I cannot train the dog, a strong enough leash will do just as well."

"I don't understand, lord, what do you mean?"

Now I was sure she was putting on an act, and laying it thick, but my eyes weren't my own, so they wouldn't roll even though every fiber of my being was sick with disgust.

"Oh, my beauty, this form, this current life he has is bound to the Earth, created here and therefore tainted by it. So he is no better than your Halfling. So tell me, do you fear your son? Do you wake up in a sweat thinking of those golden eyes?"

He chuckled low and I felt it like ice scratching up my spine. My mother's melodic laughter joined his as it drifted through the night air, a clear bell tinkling.

"No, I do not fear my little treasure, though I wish he could be trained to be as formidable as your own heir. I've made many offspring over the centuries but..." the body I was in tapped my chin thoughtfully with one long, slender finger, "I feel this one is different, stronger, and I have learned to listen to my whispers. I think I will keep this one close. I foresee him growing until his fierceness rivals his beauty, maybe even rivals your son's - at least, in his Half form."

I fanned my hand out before me like I was pardoning such a bold claim, the small curve to my lips almost flirtatious. And though it was obvious what my mother was doing - using all the manipulation tactics to sell the idea of her son highly - Baraqiel nodded, deep in thought.

"Perhaps we can come to an agreement there, if you truly wish him to be trained as a warrior, alongside the royalty of the new Earth I will create. After all, what good is a prince if he does not have a trusted second? Perhaps our sons will do great things...together."

He gave a shark's smile and my stomach turned even as I felt my face stretch to match his own.

"How long will your son stay as he is, as a Half?"

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