Chapter 42: Future and revelation

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(Third Person Point of View)

"Though, you have to know that you are not the only one who possessed the power of the Illios. It's just that, you were the one who was chosen to save the universe this time."

"What? What do you mean by that?"

"Well..." She glanced at Vandris. "You do know that the sun's light is white, right? Sometimes, the sun appears in different colors and that's why the chosen bearers of illios are different. The one who will possess the golden illios is you, and the one who possessed the white light is the race of light elves. And the other bearers of the illios are from the other universes."

"I didn't know that." Vandris shook his head.

"No one knows about it." Gem said. "As you already know, illios was only a legend to everyone because no one knows about it except the bearers of the illios and the celestial King."

I frowned.
"So it's possible that there were others like me who have the power of the illios?"

"Yes. But unlike in your universe, the others have already possessed it the moment they were born while you were only chosen late. Hence, their power will not be taken from them, unlike the illios on your planet that has a higher percentage of chance to be possessed by the lord of the abyss."

Aeryn groaned. There are too many revelations.

"How did you manage to escape from the dark spell?" The deity asks as she lifts her hand, the glowing dust returning above the stone table.

"I was saved."

"You were saved?" Her forehead knotted. "There was no way someone will able to enter your spell."

"But a woman did, specifically an elf. Though, I didn't see her face."

"Why is it always elves that are involved?" Gem glanced at Vandris, and he shrugged. Then, she returns her gaze to Aeryn. "Anything else I need to know to figure this out? Did she say something?"

"She did have a message for me. "You shall save them. When the final battle begins, you shall have my heart and be the sun."

"The sun." The deity mumbled. "She's referring to the Illios, then."

"She saw a light elf," Vandris said. "That woman must have given her a message about the future and guided her to what she has to do."

"Well, that made sense. That elf—whoever she is—was trying to give you instructions to acquire the illios. One day, Aeryn, you'll know the answer. You just have to look."

"What about the higher celestial? Didn't he tell you what I will do to acquire it?"

"He did." She beamed. "But to prevent the future from changing, I can't spoil you all the details. All you have to do is trust yourself. You'll know what to do. You have a responsibility now, Aeryn Glaze. Accept it and save your world and the universe."

"It's too heavy," I mumbled, shaking and feeling like there's a heavyweight above me—pushing me down to kneel.

"The lord of the abyss has a plan for you, Aeryn. He'll do everything to get you on his side. And you know damn well, that the devil works harder. If you won't accept your fate, you will become their ultimate weapon. You will become the reason why your world will burn to the ground."

Her heart was heavy as they were leaving the mountain. The deity was with them, taking them back to where the portal was supposed to be. Dazed, confused, terrified, and pressured was all Aeryn could feel. She doesn't know what to believe anymore. She only traveled to the land of Thirio to know about her magic, and instead, she find out she was destined to save the world—even the whole damn universe.

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