Two years too long (a blurb)

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"Daddy!" Your curly, blonde haired, 2 (and a half) year old, little girl squealed right as you set her down past the threshold in Rafe's home. The smile on his face grew as big as ever as he squatted down to catch her in his arms.

"Hello my little love bug. Did you have fun with mommy? I saw pictures of you and YaYa on the beach" He spoke enthusiastically as he tickled her chunky baby belly. Most of her words would be hard to understand if you weren't around her constantly but Rafe intercepted every one no matter how jumbled it was.

"I need to talk to Mommy real quick, can you go find Pops? I think he's in the kitchen right there" Rafe pointed and Ward rounded the corner to see his granddaughter. "Hi. How was she this week? You guys have fun in the sand?" Rafe questioned Y/N politely, taking a few steps closer.

For a little bit of a back story, Rafe and Y/N dated their senior year of highschool and all through out college and all through her pregnancy that happened half way through senior year. They tried to make it work but the stress of it all was too much at the time. School. Baby. Relationship. They ended on amicable terms, of course, for their little blue eyed blonde haired wonder, Ryann Jay Cameron. Same initials as Rafe.

"She was perfect. Fights me about sunscreen but she must've gotten that from you" Y/N joked. Anytime they went on the beach before the baby Rafe would always complain about sunscreen and how he didnt need it and he'd be fine. "Look...there's something I've been wanting to talk about for a while and partially why my dad and Rose are here just incase this goes bad." Rafe paused, rubbing his beard stubble nervously and it was making Y/N anxious. "Rafe what is it? Is something wrong? You know you can tell me."

" mean I don't think its might... I don't know it mi-" Rafe stammered and huffed. "Rafe spit it out" Y/N laughed, taking his hand away from his face. "I still love you and I want to try again. The relationship. I want to try the relationship again. Loving you never went away it was just better to not be around her fighting so much and you know we didn't fight like that before. She's sleeping through the night now and in daycare and we know how to handle it all better now" His words rambled on, not giving Y/N a chance to speak.

"Rafe?" "Yeah hun?" "Shut up." "You got it" He smirked. Y/N didn't mean it in a harsh way, that was the best way to get him to stop rambling without kissing him or pinching him.

"I would love to try again with you. My feelings never went away either. I completely agree with everything you just said. Seriously" Y/N smiled and Rafe took her hand. "Well then, would you like to come in for cartoons and supper? We're having breakfast for supper. Dad's request" Y/N couldn't help but to laugh as she nodded. "I would love to." She followed Rafe in but stopped him before heading into the kitchen. Her lips pressed to his for the first time in almost 2 years. "I missed you Rafe Cameron" Y/N whispered before feeling little hands tug at her leg for attention as well.

Rafe had his girl and his little love bug even if it did take two years too long to have his complete little family.

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